You can contribute, vote and add ideas to any of the six forums. You can either vote for one of the existing ideas or supply an idea of your own. In this way the most popular ideas will bubble to the top.

To get to another forum click on the forum name on the right - under the votes left sign

The ideas from these forums will inform the start of the debate on October 30th. Where they will be discussed in consensus deliberation. Register here for the event

This is a forum for you to dicuss ideas on line - these ideas are your ideas - they are ideas that we may not agree with - but we are providing you with a framework for that discussion. The outcome of the Claiming our Future Event will be the results of the deliberations on the day

1) General Forum

You should look at all the forums on the right and you can either vote on existing ideas or provide a new idea. You can also comment on the existing ideas.

  1. 8 votes
  2. 7 votes

    discuss sexism in advertising. Hunky Dorys, WKD... Sexist "humour" is far too widely accepted.

    I am so appalled by the readiness with which popular companies are willing to denigrate women for the sake of a few laughs. It sends an overwhelmingly negative message to the Irish population, and we need to voice our disapproval.

  3. 7 votes

    Redefine the definition of the family as it has been interpreted by the outdated constitution.

    In Irish law the only real family that exists is that of a married couple and children born into that marriage. This is all well and good for those that lived in 1937 Ireland under the thumb of the catholic church, but for 'better or worse' times have changed and the traditional view of a married... more

  4. 7 votes

    abolish corporate personhood

    The idea that a corporation is a separate legal entity from the people who control it is a dangerous fiction that allows corps to run riot worldwide. Corporations are puppets, they are guided by people. Make those people accountable again.

  5. 7 votes

    Publish all tax records

    As in Scandinavian countries, publish all tax records online... allow anyone to look up anyone else's full income and tax records on an annual basis... transparency and honesty go hand in hand.

  6. 7 votes

    Stop borrowing to prop up dead banks. Let Anglo go into receivership

    Why are we borrowing to keep insolvent banks in business? Allow Anglo to go into receivership. Kick start the Credit Unions. allow people to use lazer cards on CU accounts.

  7. 6 votes
  8. 6 votes

    Create a modern Public Sector using ICT

    The Government has made a ham-fisted effort of utilising modern ICT throughout the Public Sector.
    There is lack of compatibility, no integration, no joined up thinking, no leveraging of economies of scale (e.g. for example, millions can be saved on software licensing costs alone if the licensing... more

  9. 6 votes

    reduce tds, dissolve seanad reform councils and public bodies

    the same mantra comes out of parties especiallyy when they think an election is coming up phrases like on the ground we want jobs etc empty words

    there needs to be total reform dail and the seanad needs to be dissolved

    theres too much talking not enough action

    promotions and advancement ... more

  10. 6 votes

    Re-configure 'health'

    Re-configure the official interpretation of 'health' and re-organise the relevant systems accordingly

  11. 6 votes

    Road Deaths & Preventio

    Driving age must be raised to 21. Driving lessons should be reduced in price with a minimum of lessons, as in flying, before any test can be attempted. They ought to be a part of a College and University education. It is irresponsible to allow young people to drive cars on our twisty country road... more

  12. 6 votes

    Impose term limits on local and national representatives.,

    Term limits would encourage greater participation in the political process at all levels and ensure a continuous input of new candidates and ideas. A mechanisim would need to exist whereby elected representatives who acheived certain milestones and whose continuing participation was desired by th... more

  13. 5 votes

    New tougher legislation for Equal Opportunities in Employment Law

    All interviewing panels in the private and public sector must have an equal number of men and women. Failure to comply deems the selection null and void. Application forms for vacant positions must be kept for a minimum of three years.
    The current legislation does not go any way near to employe... more

  14. 5 votes

    Webcast the event

    the event on the 30th is oversubscribed so why not webcast it so more people can benefit

  15. 5 votes

    Replace the current two-tier system in health and education with a national state system

    We are at crisis - during these ever increasingly stressful times further burdens will be put onto our already crippled health service. We urgently need to think outside the box in regards to reforming our provision of health and how we finance both health and education .

    Here in brief are my... more

  16. 5 votes

    National CO-OP

    The Government facilitate the creation of one very large National CO-OP. Within the CO-OP the membership produce and consume the bulk of goods and services they need for everyday life, everything from childcare to quality non-branded clothing, transport services to quality food - mostly without t... more

  17. 5 votes

    End government

    Since the government initiates aggression in the form of taxation, victimless crimes and taking out loans against your future children it must be seen as a criminal institution similar to the mafia and the removed.

  18. 5 votes

    Amend Article 41 in the Irish Consitution

    The Family - Article 41
    'In particular the state recognises that by her life in the home women give to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved. The State shall therefore endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour ... more

  19. 4 votes

    take it lying down (play dead) : a non-partisan protest

    so here's the idea... one day a load of people arrive outside Leinster house.. (back and front of)... and proceed to lie on the ground... you can use the meme of "the lying down game" or play dead.. it would be good to do this on the astrological date of Samhain.. Monday, the 8th Novemb... more

  20. 4 votes

    Use Elinor Ostrom's idea and blow away the Tragedy of the Commons myth

    "What Ostrom showed was that a lot of ordinary, not very well educated people who'd never read about free rider problems basically developed institutional arrangements," says Nancy Folbre, an economics professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Groups of fishermen figured out... more

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