You can contribute, vote and add ideas to any of the six forums. You can either vote for one of the existing ideas or supply an idea of your own. In this way the most popular ideas will bubble to the top.

To get to another forum click on the forum name on the right - under the votes left sign

The ideas from these forums will inform the start of the debate on October 30th. Where they will be discussed in consensus deliberation. Register here for the event

This is a forum for you to dicuss ideas on line - these ideas are your ideas - they are ideas that we may not agree with - but we are providing you with a framework for that discussion. The outcome of the Claiming our Future Event will be the results of the deliberations on the day

4) Enhanced economic, social and cultural participation Forum

You should look at all the forums on the right and you can either vote on existing ideas or provide a new idea. You can also comment on the existing ideas.

  1. 40 votes
  2. 31 votes

    Make fixed-benefit pensions for workers compulsory

    Instead of attacking public-sector pensions and allowing the debate to be about "levelling down" to private sector risky pensions, we should start a debate on "levelling up" private sector pensions to defined-benefit pensions, and for *ALL* private sector workers.

    Also, the l... more

  3. 30 votes

    Implement a basic income for all

    A basic income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. It is a form of minimum income guarantee that differs from those that now exist in various European countries in three important ways:

    * it is being paid to individuals ... more

  4. 24 votes

    Popular peoples assemblies to assist a move from capitalism to direct democracy

    This assemblies could be seen as practice and experiments in direct democracy. Currently we see that power resides with financial institutions and unelected organs of capitalism like the IMF, World Bank etc etc.We also see that the political elite, FF, FG, Labour and Sinn Fein all support and len... more

  5. 18 votes

    Support the European Anti Poverty Network campaign for a minimum ADEQUATE income

    The EAPN has produced proposals for an EU directive to ensure that everybody has a miniumum *adequate* income.

    You can get the details (lots of them) at the EAPN's website: more

  6. 15 votes

    Recognise and reward all meaningful work and ensure access to such work for all.

    Recognise and reward all meaningful work and ensure access to such work for all.

  7. 14 votes

    Invest in artists

    Invest in the work of artists, arts workers and arts created through community initiative and in access to the arts.

  8. 13 votes

    Reduce relative poverty and eliminate consistent poverty.

    Reduce relative poverty and eliminate consistent poverty.

  9. 6 votes

    Explore ways of linking Ireland's low corperation tax with job creation

    FDI is an important part of our economy, and the have provided a lot of high skilled jobs which are very important for economic growth and the smart economy.

    I think that companies should only be given the low tax rate on x amount of profits if they employ y people.

  10. 5 votes

    My Manifesto for Economic Growth and Survival in Ireland

    To whom it concerns, below are some ideas that may help Ireland's economy, or at least hopefully incite others to come up with better ideas to help our Nation.

    My Manifesto For Change, Survival and Economic Growth in Ireland.

    We lost the Irish working class hero James Connolly in 1916. Thi... more

  11. 4 votes

    Structures to enhance participation in social and cultural life

    Structures to enhance participation in social and cultural life

  12. 1 votes
  13. 1 votes

    direct democracy including phone and internet voting on legislation (power to the people)

    It's radical I know and I don't expect it to happen anytime soon but I envisage a future where this is the norm. We've seen societly develop from despotism and feudalism to our current form of democracy. Surely more power in the hands of the people is the inevitable progression. accountability wi... more

  14. 0 votes
  15. 0 votes

    Increase the labour market participation rates of men and women.

    Increase the labour market participation rates of men and women.

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