You can contribute, vote and add ideas to any of the six forums. You can either vote for one of the existing ideas or supply an idea of your own. In this way the most popular ideas will bubble to the top.

To get to another forum click on the forum name on the right - under the votes left sign

The ideas from these forums will inform the start of the debate on October 30th. Where they will be discussed in consensus deliberation. Register here for the event

This is a forum for you to dicuss ideas on line - these ideas are your ideas - they are ideas that we may not agree with - but we are providing you with a framework for that discussion. The outcome of the Claiming our Future Event will be the results of the deliberations on the day

1) General Forum

You should look at all the forums on the right and you can either vote on existing ideas or provide a new idea. You can also comment on the existing ideas.

  1. 4 votes

    Use Elinor Ostrom's idea and blow away the Tragedy of the Commons myth

    "What Ostrom showed was that a lot of ordinary, not very well educated people who'd never read about free rider problems basically developed institutional arrangements," says Nancy Folbre, an economics professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Groups of fishermen figured out... more

  2. 4 votes
  3. 4 votes

    My idea would be to merge all the different parties in an “emergency all parties working together un

    My idea would be to merge all the different parties in an “emergency all parties working together unit”(not the best name) with the main objective to save this nation. Just until this mess is sorted or maybe we need a big shake of the way things work in this country because right now it’s defini... more

  4. 4 votes

    We need an integrated transport system

    We need an integrated transport system, preferably free at access. I believe we should scrap the planned metro
    and further Luas extensions as far too costly and disruptive while serving only selected arteries,
    and instead implement Streetcar Rapid Transit based on Aris Venetikidis' integrated tr... more

  5. 3 votes

    Leave the EU Make Ireland a TAX FREE Island take back our natural resources i.e. fishing, gas, oil a

    Leave the EU Make Ireland a TAX FREE Island take back our natural resources i.e. fishing, gas, oil and Democracy

  6. 3 votes

    Launch an energy-backed currency

    Launch a parallel currency to the euro with the basic unit as one kilowatt hour of electricity. It will encourage energy efficiency, small and medium scale generation and therefore energy security and sustainability.

  7. 3 votes

    Lobby the existing power brokers from your own locality

    Gathering in Dublin ( of all places, there is a big Island outside of Dublin) ... gathering to form a talking shop. Another chattering classes get together?

    The aspirations if implemented would take forever.
    There is an emergency in this country now and our politicians are unfit for purpose. ... more

  8. 3 votes

    streamline garda vetting

    Consider some mechanism whereby garda clearance is acquired much more efficiently and promptly and by the job seeker, who would have the choice of applying for several copies (at an extra cost, perhaps) so that if successful at interview, they could start work immediately, instead of waiting mont... more

  9. 3 votes

    Foster systems thinking in education and public debate

    Tinkering with individual measures and policies, how ever well meaning and intended, is proving not to be sufficient. The multiple failures of policy making in numerous areas (in Ireland, and beyond) - economics, public services, health services, environment etc - are testimony to failed policie... more

  10. 3 votes
  11. 3 votes

    Abolish insurance

    Abolish existing insurance system. Replace only what stands up to criteria of equity, sustainability and the common good. In terms of current concept of public liability cover, make everyone responsible for themselves.

  12. 3 votes
  13. 3 votes
  14. 3 votes
  15. 3 votes
  16. 2 votes
  17. 2 votes

    Reform the current legal system

    1 Whereby in a court of law a stenographer and a second method of recording is used for all cases heard. An independent organisation working with other agencies including the reformed probation service monitor outcomes. Enabling accountability of decisions made in the pursuit of a more open and t... more

  18. 2 votes

    Emerald Agenda for Change

    I admire your idea. Please look at mine on Perhaps we can join forces for the betterment of all.

  19. 2 votes
  20. 2 votes
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