Cavan Meeting 16th February

CAVAN HUSTINGS, Visible Democracy in View
Cavan Town Hall
Feb 16th

Cavan’s Claiming Our Future wants to see what lies behind the pretty posters and scripted policies of Cavan’s political candidates in the general election this February 16th. We want to invite YOU, the public to hear, challenge and debate the many local candidates running in our constituency to better inform ourselves as to who we should vote for in what is likely to be one of the most important elections in Irish history. Included will be a short presentation by candidates, a debate between these potential representatives of YOUR interests and a Q&A session to wrap up. All are welcome this Feb 16th Hustings at Cavan Town Hall from 7.30pm to 9pm.

For further details please contact:
Daniel Downey
[email protected]

facebook: Cavan Hustings

Facilitator: Daniel Downey

A brief introduction by each candidate, who they run for and what their main principals are in this election.

7.45-8.00: HUSTINGS TOPICS, Present and Discuss

1. How did this recession happen, in your own words?

Each candidate please give a brief description of how they feel the economic recession befell Ireland and explain it to the people.
Candidates challenge each other’s positions.

8.00-8.10: Open floor

8.10-8.25:   2. Bank debt vs. sovereign debt and how to pay it all?

Positions on the twin debts, sovereign and bank, who is responsibilities to pay these and how possible it is to do so? What reforms can you put forward to ensure we do not return to the ways that led us to this debt?

8.25-8.35: Open Floor

8.35-8.50: 3. Corruption and Reform

Years of boom saw years of corruption and politicians expenses are topical issues, in what way can you show the people this will change? Some call for an end to the senate, for changes in how we do business in politics. In what way are you hoping to change politics and what will this mean for the people here?

8.50-9.00: Open Floor

9.00-9.10: BREAK

9.10-9.254. Job creation

In an environment where unemployment is intensely high, what measures can you put forward that will create jobs and stop job losses?

9.25-9.35 : Open Floor

9.35-9.505. Cavan initiatives

What are your plans for Cavan itself and in what way can you enhance our county development?

9.50-10.00: Open Floor

Questions and answers session to allow the people to interact with their future representatives.
(no more than roughly a minute/question and no more than 5 minutes/engagement)

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