Limerick Meeting 17th Feb

Election Head To Head

Limerick City – The Pery Hotel is the venue for the “Politicians Face The People”


Limerick City – The Pery Hotel


Thursday, February  17th 7.30pm

This event allows citizens to meet with Limerick election candidates.

Each party will be asked to what are their policies on Political Reform – Creating Jobs - The Economy – Public Services - Irish Natural Resources – The Environment

This will be followed by moderated debate with citizens and the candidates.

According to one of the organisers, Gerard O’Donoghue from Claiming our Future Limerick: “Limerick City has been devastated by the economic downturn. Two out of every three young males under twenty five are unemployed, the City Centre is dying on its feet and the Regeneration Project is failing to address Limericks social problems. This event is a change for citizens to questions the election candidates on these and other issues.”


This event is organised under the umbrella of Claiming Our Future. Claiming Our Future wants to unite the strength of individuals, volunteers, community organisations, and charities. It wants to co-ordinate civic events and actions that force change and reform in Ireland.

Claiming our Future was kick started in 2010 through funds from private charitable foundations, and help from individual civil society and trade union members. It is not a political party.

See Claiming Our Future Limerick facebook page.


A Claiming Our Future event in Dublin on October 30th 2010, brought together over 1000 people, and agreed the following priorities:

• Radical reform of political institutions to make them accountable to the people

• A coherent strategy for a sustainable economy, with jobs and development of natural resources

• An ethical banking system that serves the needs of the local economy

• Greater income equality

• Universal access to quality public services

• Human rights and responsibilities as the core values of our legal and political systems, and the basis of our international relations

Media Contact: Claiming Our Future Limerick
Person Name Gerard O’Donoghue
Phone Number
E-mail [email protected]


7-7.30 Reception/Sign in Table

Briefing youth attendees

7.30 Open forum – Outline the Claiming Our Future movement – Gerard O’Donoghue

7.40 Presentations by election candidates

8.35 Public discussion

9.45 Summing up and Next event

Chairman - Gearoid Fitzgibbon

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