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The ideas from these forums will inform the start of the debate on October 30th. Where they will be discussed in consensus deliberation. Register here for the event

This is a forum for you to dicuss ideas on line - these ideas are your ideas - they are ideas that we may not agree with - but we are providing you with a framework for that discussion. The outcome of the Claiming our Future Event will be the results of the deliberations on the day

1) General Forum

70 votes

Ending of cannabis prohibition to take money and control away from gangs and to regulate sales.

Cannabis prohibition has failed. The criminal gangs control the market which means they make millions while selling to anyone of any age. With a controlled market we could regulate the sales, bring in taxes, create jobs, save court time and money for simple possession etc.

  1. 3

    Cannabis is proven less addictive than caffeine. Google a bit you will find that I'm right.

  2. "Hash is addictive."

    Violence, black marketing, deaths, gang warfare, avoidance of taxes, stigma, lack of control etc etc.

    Oh sorry, that was during the American prohibition of alcohol, which is addictive.

    It makes no sense to legalise one addiction and criminalise another.

  3. 3

    No but they should have, again prohibition just pushes substances into the black market that is only regulated by profit.

  4. I'd agree with Portugal, but they didn't decriminalise the supply of drugs did they?

  5. 3

    If you ban tobacco you just have another substance to police, you instantly open up a new black market and you instantly create more criminals. Again, it was shown during prohibition in the US that prohibition itself doesn't work, it just gives a foot hold for organized crime (Al Capone for example)

    Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001, for a quick summery of the results take a look here:

    Why do you think hash requires more research? You must ha... more

  6. No I haven't, and by the way, I'm in favour of banning tobacco. I think it would need more research before we could legalise hash.

  7. 3

    Declan, hash is essentially the same, just in a different, generally more concentrated form, yet it is still no more dangerous then bud. It is however generally more likely to contain contaminates as they are easier to hide in hash then in buds. Contaminates are a by product of cannabis's legal status, exactly as it was during the prohibition of alcohol in the US. If uncontaminated It would still be safer then tobacco and alcohol. Its NOT addictive, the link you posted actually states so, it may be habit... more

  8. 3

    Charlie Williams "Its blatantly obvious that safety is not the reason it is illegal" Agree 100%

  9. 3

    Just go for example.

  10. 3

    I agree 100% with Kim.

    "We have conclusive evidence that both alcohol and tobacco are unsafe, both are legal. There is enough data to suggest cannabis is safer, it should be totally legalized and bar commercial sale, unregulated.

    Its blatantly obvious that safety is not the reason it is illigal"

    No, I think hash has negative effects and shouldn't be legalised. Maybe for medical use, but not as a recreational drug.
    Hash is addictive, and legalising it will only make something else the government will have to run quit campaigns for.

  12. 3

    Not sure this is the right place for discussions, but it says on the cigarette box that "Smoking Kills", google will link you to the research, look up the LD50 values for nicotine, alcohol and cannabis (also LSD and 'shrooms'), its plain and simple.

    We know that tobacco and alcohol kill, is that what you are challenging or are you challenging that cannabis MIGHT not be completely safe? Smoke inhalation has risk associated with it, smoke of any kind. As tobacco is legal I think its a decent ben... more

  13. @Kim, do you have links to the research?

  14. 3

    We have conclusive evidence that both alcohol and tobacco are unsafe, both are legal. There is enough data to suggest cannabis is safer, it should be totally legalized and bar commercial sale, unregulated.

    Its blatantly obvious that safety is not the reason it is illigal

  15. This would remove the economic incentive for criminal gangs, but we shouldn't presume it's safe. I'm open to correction, but I believe we don't have enough data to say that it's completely safe, so we can't just legalise it and forget about it. I think this needs a lot more research. I do believe prosecuting people for small amounts of possession is a waist of police resources, and the war on drugs doesn't work.

  16. All drugs should be legal and regulated, not just cannabis.

  17. Hi Brian.
    Got your FB chat message bruv, will throw some points and suggestions in a bit later today.

    Peace. : )

  18. We need legalization, not a corporate monopoly:

    If ********* could fuel cars, they would making masturbation illegal:

  19. 1

    Saves money on law enforcement & arrest reductions and lessening revenue to criminal gangs. Saves money in the healthcare system as a cheap effective medicine for a whole host of conditions. Generates revenue from taxes on a plant with no proven fatalities in its use (and possibly tourism). Cannabis is not illegal because it's dangerous it's dangerous because it's illegal.

    Additional to this is the vast potential of industrial hemp as a sustainable crop with myriad uses as food, fuel and fibre, j... more

  20. Prohibition creates huge profits for criminal gangs. Prohibition has failed completely in its stated aims. End this 40 year madness and legalise, tax and regulate the use of cannabis.

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