You can contribute, vote and add ideas to any of the six forums. You can either vote for one of the existing ideas or supply an idea of your own. In this way the most popular ideas will bubble to the top.

To get to another forum click on the forum name on the right - under the votes left sign

The ideas from these forums will inform the start of the debate on October 30th. Where they will be discussed in consensus deliberation. Register here for the event

This is a forum for you to dicuss ideas on line - these ideas are your ideas - they are ideas that we may not agree with - but we are providing you with a framework for that discussion. The outcome of the Claiming our Future Event will be the results of the deliberations on the day

1) General Forum


User for 10 days

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1) General forum

Open ideas
  1. 92 votes
  2. 7 votes
  3. 285 votes
  4. 140 votes
  5. 10 votes
Recent Comments
  1. Give less well off people, or people who are on council housing lists for years an opportunity to buy their own house with a rent to buy scheme, fill some of the thousands of empty new housing estates with families, and at least these families will no longer be struggling to pay rent to property owners and landlords who make 'an extra few bob' from renting 4 or 5 houses for outrageous money. Give them a chance to actually own something, not owe something.

  2. I have not yet lost faith in a good old protest! Been to a few individual one's in the past three years for various reasons. But we need to combine everyone's anger and frustration into one massive protest. So if your human and living in Ireland you need to be at this protest. Bring everyone you know and your pet's.

5) Public sector renewal forum

Open ideas
  1. 26 votes
Recent Comments
  1. I am a staff member working within the HSE. Dispite some public opinion, frontline HSE staff are not paid well, and really never have been not even during the celtic tiger. The hospitals never benefitted from the boom. This was the time money should have been poured into improving the public service but instead was squandered on rediculous buildings, fancy revolving doors, administration buildings, new and improved offices.
    I'm not here to complain about wage cuts, or pension levies, that's a whole other forum. I want to express my complete dissapointment in the government and the fat cats that are the HSE. It so frustrating to be in the caring profession and watching patients and family members suffer unnecessarily not at the hands of their illness, but because of the rediculous cut backs that are being made, ward closures, longer waiting times etc. Walk through any emergancy department in the country on a Monday night and it would look like a war zone.
    It is all of our public service, why is it left to 300 HSE staff to protest against the closure of a major hospital in the west. Why is every man, women child and dog on the street not marching. Also because of our profession we are taken advantage of. Frontline staff sacrifice tea and lunch breaks, come into work early, go home late (unpaid of course from the time your shift finishes) and are under increasing pressure to keep patient's safe and deliver the care they need. We run for most of the day because walking just would'nt get everything done! Our work load has tripled in two years. No thought has been given to the stress we are under everyday. I would even say it is dangerous to be in hospital with staff that are so stressed and busy. Where once there were 10 staff in a department cathering for 30 patients, there are now sometimes only four. Frontline staff should at least have the time to comfort distressed patients and families, but this is not the case, 'quick get this gown on your going for surgery, hurry up before you lose your slot!'
    I'm so frustrated and stressed out, we have a third world worthy health service and increased pressure on staff will lead to mistakes and bad choices.
    But Ms. Harney will never have to sit on a trolley in A/E for 16 hours waiting to see a Doctor in an overcrowed waiting area full of shouting frustrated people. You can bet the future of Anglo Irish on that! Tax payers money should go to good use, like improving conditions in Health care not chaufeuring around politicians for hair appointments and dinner dates!

6) Democratic reform forum

Open ideas
  1. 96 votes
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