Welcome . Results for SESSION 1. Voting for this session is Closed

Our Values. Values that Claiming Our Future should promote at this moment.

IdeaTotal Votes
• Change the current development model and define and measure progress in a balanced way that stresses economic security and social and environmental sustainability.
• Reform representative political institutions to enhance accountability, equality, capacity, and efficiency of national and local decision makers.
• Provide universal access to quality healthcare, childcare and services for older people.
• Achieve greater income equality and reduce poverty through wage, tax and income policies that support maximum and minimum income thresholds.
• Develop participatory/deliberative forms of citizens’ engagement in public governance and enhance democratic participation by fostering the advocacy role of civil society orgs, civics/ethics education in all school levels and a diverse media

Your Other Suggestions

These are the ideas that individual tables added and are therefore not in the 'consensus' results for the day but will be considered by Claiming our Future.

We have tagged similar ideas together - Count show the number of times.

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Arts Activities 25 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  use the arts to reach people
  A Claiming your Futures Festival an equality electric picnic!
  engage artists and creative community to use drama art and music to communicate the what and how of our campaign
  feeding today back into the claiming our future structure/ clarifying what COF is for people after today. finding the identity of COF by encouraging people to express it through arts media..
  Interdisciplinary collaborative arts ventures
  Arts based spectacles like plays and musicals
  Take this back to our local areas, organisations and build on this to link with creative event
  Organise claiming our future floats for st patricks day parades around the country
  Harness public anger and concer in a positive way. Todays use of the elephant in the room was very effective. If this were to be used in public spaces such as shopping centres it may be a very effective non-threatening way of capturing people's values
  Need to develop clear and simple shared understanding - change is possible and promote policy choices. Sell rights to CYF as a game show and plant trees everywhere. Find creative ways to communicate the messsage - artists alternative meida. Use organisati
  Develop a creative, postive media campaign involving stunts (eg flashmobbing), establish an independent media campaign, and build on the social medial campaign
  summer festival, promote arts and culture as valid aspect of our soicety
  Using the arts to develop forms of passive resistance (without harm to others)
  banner days to advertise the initiative
  Spectacle of Defiance - use creativityand use the arts!!!!!!
  Organise arts events to popularise ideas from today
  creative way of using the media
  Creative event - one day for COF accross Ireland on a specific day, to be organised at a local level. Alternative St Patrciks day Parade, or floats evry parade
  Have a peoples party or fun family day under the banner of claiming our future and have activities/speeches etc
  Have this type of event throughout Ireland Starting with a high profile campaign that would engender interest and enthusiasm by using high profile personalities TV Radio leaflets etc. So people participate locally in their own communities and are all simu
  street demonstration on budget day - make it very colourful
  Claiming our future to have a peoples parliament as result of this event this could be in the form of music festival or one day event
  Mass launch (in every town square symbolc act can be enacted to represent new vision)
  Have an education day where we go out locally to shopping centres etc. and hand out manifesto/leaflet and be willing to talk to people
  Build towardsa national civic demonstration type event but make it more of a Carnival of regeneration to get young people involved; musicians for COF
Civil Service Reform 41 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Reform the public service to universal access and true equality. Do this first! we think the other four choices are quite similar.
  Make Efficient must include the issue of access
  too many people working in civil service in certain areas - need massive redeployment
  Efficiency at system level should be stressed- above policy could be mis interpreted to refer to front line staff
  Equality of Outcome is vital alongside equality of access for example in education
  reform of promotion systems in high level civil servant appoitments
  Create structures for public servants to be accountable to their service users
  Our table supports the sentiment of many of the points but does not feel able to priortiise as it stands. We think that there should be a single statement on univesral (single-tier) access to quality public services responding to needs of people.
  Make serving the public the goal of public service. More investment in parks & community centers. More disability access in urban planning based on universal design principles. Minister for people with disabilies (Vote for Tom Chambers, in Mayo!).
  Rights based approach to services and service delivery
  education system needs reform to disable the status quo
  reform of publiv appointments to boards - take them out of gift of politicians
  Introduce positive performance strategies to the public service drawing on good practice in the private sector
  ensure that private services (health, education) are entirely funded through the private system and not publicly funded
  making public services accountable to PEOPLE in a real way
  service lacking
  Should be more goals in public service such as customer care etc
  emphasis on quality of public services
  Ensure civil servants have exposure to the real world - services communities etc
  Re public service reform, add, 'adequate local and national government funding'
  onus on public sector staff to be more pro-active / abolish cie / any universal access to services to be in the context of taxation form / remove church from all state services
  more robust and quality services not just more efficient
  Need to define a robust definition of health; of education; of transport and of all other services. Equality needs to be THE goal. Currently it is too 'wishy washy'. Needs to be stronger and draw on the work that is available
  Incentivise productivity within the public sector and guaruntee all public services
  align public services with public policy priorities
  reword suggestion: Make equality, integration and effeciency the goals of public service reform
  Integration across agencis is a must
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  All public services demand attention in their own right
  childcare to be in the interests of children, and choices for women staying at home
  Public Entreprise- state holding company for semi-states to raise capital for sustainable investment- public sector reform not related to the welfare state
  Difficult to rank as some are very aspirational and require further clarity. Need more clarity around the types and values especially in terms of education and healthcare. Use the word support rather than empower in relation to the social welfare system
  We need a transformative approach to change in public services - there is no transformation in the options provided
  Defend PUblic Services should underpin . No 2 should have publilc service delivery rather than reform
  reform really important but ended up being last on our list
  criteria for efficiency of our institutions include participants evaluation of care, opportunity and educational outcomes
  From some individuals there was a sense that we need to reduce the size of the public sector and this might seem to contradict the preferences around services - however, the process of political reform suggested could overcome this contradiction.
  one participant felt this section was influence by the interests of the organising committee who are perhaps overrepresented by the community and voluntary sector
  Participants felt that reform of public secvice underpinned by the values as outlined is a key priority but not a mobilising one for all sectors/ the publin. This session the most difficult for all re prioritising 1-5.
  conern with definition of efficiency consumer satisfaction, public knowledge of public services is limites
COF Manifesto/Policies 64 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  national structure needs to be built on values agreed today- broad values and a flexible mandate to draw broad support and commitment from groups and agencies
  feeding today back into the claiming our future structure/ clarifying what COF is for people after today. finding the identity of COF by encouraging people to express it through arts media..
  build a movement from our principles
  Ongoing communication to people that they can cause positive change, do not rely on politions. Provide tools for this voice to engage in change.
  Development of a broadbased grassroots movement with a clear platform - option to become a party later
  creating a system with a menue and choice of actions and tasks that people can pick and choose using all available social networking and multi media
  Developing processes on theme of sustainble living
  Develop a social charter, in accessible english, for a new Ireland
  Lists of alternative policies
  Mobilize future movement, including use of media and new media ensuring diversity and proportionality. Claiming our future charter.
  1000 people today stimulated and motivated to go back to local communities and facilitate sessions using todays model to get broader ideas and consensus. the model prior to today was good but a lot of people missed the meetings and today is their first in
  As part of the follow up from today we have a responsibility to invole citizens and cso's in developing a detailed tax justice policy
  unite different campaigning groups, trade unions under same 10 messages of CoF
  Gather the alternative policies and put them on the website for example articles and alternative policy documents
  New constitution / understanding or definition of democracy
  Develop a coherent programme arising from the preferred policy choices made with supporting economic arguments
  Work on a small number of issues and aim for some quick wins eg health
  Pick a single objective, mobilise arround this specific action to achieve change and then move on to next specific action to mobilise for that change
  1. Claiming our future mainfesto on a book mark which can be used at the door to inform politicans
  work through existing community structures to get the message out and use well idenitified local issues to mobilise
  Need to develop clear and simple shared understanding - change is possible and promote policy choices. Sell rights to CYF as a game show and plant trees everywhere. Find creative ways to communicate the messsage - artists alternative meida. Use organisati
  Draft manifesto
  Prioritise solutions that cost no money, a little money . a lot of money
  Agree a manifesto that we can build a movement on.
  Political influence - either create a Manifesto / Vision and specific commitments and ask candidates to sign up to it / or influence pre-election palsn of parties
  Clarify the objectives of Claiming our Future
  Information. Importance of developng clear information to circulate at every opportunity and use internet viral opportunities
  Develop a charter of citizens responsibilities and rights
  COF to clarify its focus and end-game as a clear objective so we know when we get to where COF is going
  Create costed alternative budget as per Canadian and Norweigan models
  Have a concise policy paper on each of the chosen issues and evidence of level of support for lobby groups, politicans etc.
  10 demand-ments (articulation of values and actions)
  Develop a Claiming our Future Charter
  rural and urban issues will be different
  'Chatting our Future' continue discussions in our workplaces, communities, families where we have discussions - we need a discussion pack - to repeat things like todays discussion and feedback the results into the website , ie tables at local level, amy
  COF to meet annually and take on three concrete goals and to achieve them to build confidence in its usefulness
  we need another meeting to approve the manifesto
  concrete policies from today into ideas and develop roadshoew to show that another alternative is posiible
  Come up with agenda for change, sign posts for local people to lobby their TD's and to influence progresive canditates in elections. Support canditates that recognise the need for participatory democracy
  focussed campaign to produce pressure on political represntatives, produce a manifesto for positive change based on what has come out of today, initiative has the potential to develop into a people power movement, we have an expectiation that the leaders
  Reach agreement on working principles as a social movement
  An organisation with structure that individuals or orgamisation can subscribe to its objectives or affiliate to
  Build solidarity by mobilising behind clear concrete actions and value statements and help mobilisation
  produce an alternative budget (focus of this should be Nov when the estimates come out)
  flesh out the bones of the ideas use the website to collect ideas and how to implement them
  Toolkit for political action, self-reflection by civil society groups, key ideas to share
  Use today's policy choices as a national household survey
  Articulate clear and radical demands
  Use today to identify ten demands that the people want for a more equal society
  Be aware of the multiplicity of state agencies involved in the current process and seek radical reductions and changes to their number and their mandate EG tourism is not highlighted in Section 2A but if it was properly developed rather than being dominat
  A quotad multiparty (new and existant parties)- a national government.
  Hone down the policies we have articulated here and make practical plans demonstrating this can be done and how it can be done by the organising group brining together diverse teams of people with expertise in the different policy areas
  From today create a report that will be useable as A a ddoorstep document t engage political system and local groups or intrested people B is a report of today C elaborate or develop proposals for implementation
  develop a vision / clear statement of values / core values of what we want to create through discussions / conversations in a range of locations from shopping centres to cinemas and sports grounds. Not a static item but an evolving process
  Develop a manifesto/short statement of values and priorities of Claiming Our Future that we can use to lobby, educate etc.
  claiming our future providing focal point for people to feed their views and ideas all part of the process ofr change
  civic movement with clear objectives local organisations promote arguments / facts & figures creative protets that involves local people planning
  creative solutions for complex problems
  Keep the focus on four clear and precise policy isuees
  declaration from this gathering that there should be an election government no longer has a mandate
  develop the policies in the context of a power struggle of interests and organise demonstrations based on this premise
  Provide for a more open forum to formulate COFs priorities and outcomes to ensure we set off on the right track from the start
COF Organisation 81 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Organise similar events to Dublin on a regional/local level -Also and information bus
  To continue to organise forums of this nature to maintain the enthusasim that is present today
  Make sure the energy created at protests is harnessed for a next step
  provide a form of loose leadership, not based on hierarchy, to support the work of claiming our future, networked electronically
  Mobilize future movement, including use of media and new media ensuring diversity and proportionality. Claiming our future charter.
  Development of a broadbased grassroots movement with a clear platform - option to become a party later
  develop a fundraising strategy for COF using facebook, twitter aswell as established modes of communication
  A group to come up with creative, imaginative tactics in a rapid response form
  Build strcuture in communities trade unions etc inclusive of imimgrant population travellers children and young people
  Power of 10 campaign - 10 messages from today, disseminated to ten people by each person who attended CoF today
  Develop the claim our future website as a voting forum for political issues
  register of volunteers from today for future work
  how business is done by COF - language that used, childcare bit, organising community (area and interest base)
  Continuing outreach - e.g. target youth. immigrant communities, non university educated etc., aware of transport
  Crowd funding from a broad social network another idea is one euro for one voice ie 1000 euro could be raised today
  Organise a Claiming Our Future event for 15 to 25 year olds organised by and for 15 to 25 year olds
  Active communication campaign - get champions for the cause, popularise ideas, targeted those less political, clear messages
  Events that are supportive of the Claimiing our future agenda being promoted and branded as Claiming our Future
  Local/county/regional meetings to follow up with those that were here todauy and follow up with those that couldn't make it
  Develop a internal resource network in order to share the information resources of all the organisations in COF
  National Claiming Our Future day - 6 months time all together again but similar event on in every county in Ireland agreeing set of demands and alternative dialogue
  Claiming Our Future road show - out and about around the country, more on the ground so more people can get on the bus
  Create a citizens coalition to promote and advance the values and policy priorities that have been agreed today
  Claiming our Future (COF) should remaina movement and not become a political party or be hijacked by a political party
  Transparacy of how our ideas are being used, and where they are being shown, and who sees them, and which ones are seriously evaluated.
  Develop a more coherent organisational strucure for Claiming Our Future with a membership base
  become a social movement to influence all political parties- not form a political party
  national structure for Claiming our future with regional committees
  national structure needs to be built on values agreed today- broad values and a flexible mandate to draw broad support and commitment from groups and agencies
  build a movement from our principles
  Steering Committee for CoF to take lead, sharpen the focus from today and get back to participants
  Hold local claimourfuture events across Ireland. Possibility of holding events at same time, with a centralized PA system to convay the MC's messages, and speaches. Could also have video screens for the live streaming from each event.
  Promote visibility transparency and openness in the public sector by making minutes of meetings open to the public
  Need to establish a concrete social movement
  build a movement - some disagreement on how close or loose - ranging from a political party to a looser network - needs more discussion in future
  regular meetings at national and local level to drive the initiative
  Ensure a follow up session for all participators in today's event, possibly outside Dublin
  Make an EU link tag into Spring Alliance
  Use mechanisms and processes in place to plan for CoF to bring work to next stage
  Continue to have roundtable sessions and develop a report on findings.
  Stick together
  Establish a Civil Society Forum
  An organisation with structure that individuals or orgamisation can subscribe to its objectives or affiliate to
  Facilitate cross-sectoral workshops/activity among the participants so that a broader understanding and awareness of differenent sectoral issues and imperatives can influence COFs priorities appropriately
  Set up national action groups e.g. policy groups, lobby groups, media
  Developing Claiming Our Future into an alternative policy forum
  Open up the steering group - widen membership
  Develop a national structure to mobilise civil society involvement on a county or regional basis
  Develop a national structure to mobilise civil society involvement on a county or regional basis
  Organise another large, participative event at which people could learn from existing, alternative political, social and economic models
  A claim our future forum needs to be developed to ensure participation in decision making. It should use meeting, internet and media
  use a broad tagline under claiming our future such as 'An economic, social and environmental decision making process' as most people can identify with one of these groups and will hopefully encourage involvement
  all decision making processes to be participatory, deliberative and inclusive, including the use of rotating roles to ensure democracy
  Place for all particpants to contiue todays discussion and opportunities to continue to imput more ideas
  Reach agreement on who speaks for the social movement and who is on the steering group
  Separate central and local governance; impose term limits.
  Create COF structures at local, regional and national level (Alt Senate) being inclusive in participants and region (not just Dublin)
  Set up a database where everyone can state what they are willing to contribute including time money expertise and other resources
  More of this - it worked - keep going with these types of events - maybe wider audience
  Ensure the organisation has a national focus while having a nationwide structure that reaches out beyond Dublin and reaches out to a diverse range of communities, including migrants
  Get local/regional/county attendees toegether - put them in contact with eachother
  Use the resources for todays organisers and organisations to support this work nationally and locally NOT ONLY ONLINE
  Need to bring us all together again soon enough. I would suggest a march followed by a big discussion meeting to talk about the next step. These need to happen soon before people lose their enthusiasm and get busy with life etc!
  claiming our future providing focal point for people to feed their views and ideas all part of the process ofr change
  civic movement with clear objectives local organisations promote arguments / facts & figures creative protets that involves local people planning
  Date for another national meeting to update progress
  Creative event - one day for COF accross Ireland on a specific day, to be organised at a local level. Alternative St Patrciks day Parade, or floats evry parade
  1. To capture the interest here through publicity - and these are our messages from this event. 2. to build participatory deliberative democracy structure through local forums - follow the process here. 3. Creating an alternative political structure
  Multiplication tables - explain, consult & ratify the proceedings and discussions held today, listen for things we might have missed targeting our family and community - carry the message to others who cannot be here today
  we need another meeting to approve the manifesto
  Reach agreement on working principles as a social movement
  organise another event such as this to include a more diverse grouping such as young people, migrants and people with less edcuation
  Replicate today's event in communities and counties by all people who attended today
  Claiming our future to have a peoples parliament as result of this event this could be in the form of music festival or one day event
  all people who attended should be added to a communication and list and shhould be communicated with regularly and asked with yhey like to formally jooin this movemenr for positive social change
  Working groups to address and implement reforms (of Dail, Seanad, education, healthcare, economy etc)
  Provide for a more open forum to formulate COFs priorities and outcomes to ensure we set off on the right track from the start
  Arrange gatherings regularly Build consensus
Common Good 3 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  That the overall Tax Take is well spent for the brnifit of socity
  In terms of green economy benefit common good over private or corporate profit e.g. no false solutions like carbon trading
  reform co-operative law and increase profit sharing, extended to the community
Community 23 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  we want to include 'community', 'honour' and 'respect' as values that werent specifically named
  cultural , social and environmental sustainabilility and community and solidarity
  Compassion, community
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Community resiliance
  community and solidarity
  commitment to new form of community
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  Our number 3 is Drive a strong indigenous economy by promoting innovation within small business, social entrepreneurship & c & V sector.
  state bank that supports community
  Planning for communities and to undo damage of some development
  Credit unions being promoted more
  support microenterprise
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  Natural resources defined as including human resources. More local investment for local businesses.
  support indigeneous industry
  support local communities and currency
  Need to recognise the the social, economic deprevation and underdevelopment of rural Ireland; Banking needs/should be incorporated in policy area 1; Remove 'legally binding' in no 5; Policy area no 2 add at end of sentence 'by taking back into public owne
  Consoladate all our banks assets into a state owned good bank for social and local indigenous investment
  investing the pension reserve must include controls on private profit and should be reinvested in the community
Community 23 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  we want to include 'community', 'honour' and 'respect' as values that werent specifically named
  cultural , social and environmental sustainabilility and community and solidarity
  Compassion, community
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Community resiliance
  community and solidarity
  commitment to new form of community
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  Our number 3 is Drive a strong indigenous economy by promoting innovation within small business, social entrepreneurship & c & V sector.
  state bank that supports community
  Planning for communities and to undo damage of some development
  Credit unions being promoted more
  support microenterprise
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  Natural resources defined as including human resources. More local investment for local businesses.
  support indigeneous industry
  support local communities and currency
  Need to recognise the the social, economic deprevation and underdevelopment of rural Ireland; Banking needs/should be incorporated in policy area 1; Remove 'legally binding' in no 5; Policy area no 2 add at end of sentence 'by taking back into public owne
  Consoladate all our banks assets into a state owned good bank for social and local indigenous investment
  investing the pension reserve must include controls on private profit and should be reinvested in the community
Compliance 2 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  current legislation in these areas should be implemented and enforced
  Strict compliance to international conventions and EU Directives
Development Planning 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Planning for communities and to undo damage of some development
  Legislative basis is needed for a model of development that emphasises equality
  Importance of spatial planning
  We need a higher quality public physical space. A shared public space. The existing public spaces are being lost being privatised
Direct Actions 39 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Count Me Out campaign as an example
  National Strike (ICTU call it, example 70's tax marches)
  on line petition to support the vlaues for change from today to be given to goverenmnt - go out and actively collect get people to sign
  Get 10 peiople to visit every FF TD in country to campaign on our ideas
  Co-ordinate a local lobbying campaign with TDs on policy issues agreed
  A national day of civil unrest on a series or particular topic e.g. bank bailout / medical card to elderly people
  getb acive locally and natioanlly in activities and protests
  mobilse people to take part in a public demonstration in december -one possibility is 10th demo already planned called radical of community defiance
  public expressions of support for CoF e.g. picketing politicans offices
  national monster rally prior to budget as a visible force for influencing decisions
  Political activity - civil disobedience, demonstrations
  Increase public awareness by having an event eg. a pre-budget march
  Civil disobedience
  What happened to people power? COF should mobilise and get people active in saying no!
  large demonstration
  Political activity - civil disobedience, demonstrations, rebellion
  Organise a Direct Action on budget day for example occupying farmleigh house
  Mobilization and civil disobedience demanding a general election and against cuts and regressive taxes
  mass mobilisation
  Occupation of Farmleigh - mass mobilisation by bicycle
  Organise a claiming our future national march not in protest but to show that we want change and are determined to pursue it
  Street demonstrations - mass mobilisation - people are a leverage
  Protest at the budget
  1. A gathering - a positive gathering for change, defending what we've got. One hour around the Budget, nationwide in every town's market square. Slogan: Get up, stand up, Claim our Future! Stressing it's not a once off, to be prepared by meetings in all
  Local and National Day/Week of Action in 6 months time - coming from todays outcomes
  develop the policies in the context of a power struggle of interests and organise demonstrations based on this premise
  localise pressure for our 'asks' by gathering outside constituency offices of TDs to raise awareness etc
  direct action e.g march, creative action - get people to show disaffection by direct action
  strategic, targetted public protest
  street demonstration on budget day - make it very colourful
  Spectacle of Defiance - use creativityand use the arts!!!!!!
  Peaceful direct action and affirmation to ensure the values and policy statements identified today are delivered.
  Organise a postcard campaign - members of the public would be given a postcard with the main COF policy areas which they would send to government to lobby for change
  National day of protest - before the budget (or on the day of the budget)
  Develop a network of community-led mobilisation groups.
  organise a mas protest on budget day The poor wil be hardest hit
  organise a mas protest on budget day The poor wil be hardest hit
  Have an education day where we go out locally to shopping centres etc. and hand out manifesto/leaflet and be willing to talk to people
  Build towardsa national civic demonstration type event but make it more of a Carnival of regeneration to get young people involved; musicians for COF
Economic Sustainability 9 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Self reliance . Economic sustainability.
  Sustainable development - including economics
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  Enterprise - as a term the table felt uncomfortable with it; however, as a concept of well-run, sustainable employment, supporting entrepreneurship and social enterprise it was felt to be a very important value; the concept of Meitheal was seen as a more
  Enterprise as a value linked to innovation and sustainability
  The value of enterprise encompassing notions of innovation, creativity and sustainability
  sustainability economic,democratic, enterprise , environment
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
Education 32 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  Education /Opportunity
  education system to underpin achieing income equality
  Increase investment in education particularly in early preschool education
  needs to be greater fit between education and world of work
  Add community education to the education system
  education should include adult and non formal education.
  We felt uncomfortable about putting education at the bottom
  Should include life long learning and non-institutionalised learning
  Include life long learning in the bullet point on education
  Education - access and participation not the same
  Educatioj is key
  Education is key issue for universal access
  2 Add social solidarity point 3 all people on baisis of need point 4 need invest of quality replace with assure also add life long learning 5 access to information and information technology be universal also accces to justice
  Equality of access in education important but priority to be assigned to pre school education
  Need to define a robust definition of health; of education; of transport and of all other services. Equality needs to be THE goal. Currently it is too 'wishy washy'. Needs to be stronger and draw on the work that is available
  education to be lifelong and community led
  improve quality of education
  After making efficency integration and equality goals, it was almost impossbile to prioritise health over education or housing and feelign safe. therefore we went with hierarchy of needs, but admit this is insufficient way to prioritise.
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Add to the education point LEADING TO EQUALITY OG OUTCOMES
  the education system needs positive discrimination not simply equal access. the emphasis needs to be on early years and primary as this is essential for people to have access opportunities and good outcomes at the third level educational system
  Use word effective rather than efficient. Take education out of our number 4 - access and participation in everything. Discussion on whether we have the money to pay for universal services - view was that we are a still wealthy country and that redistribu
  No 3 all levels of education and dont confine to pre school - university
  Ensure access to life long elarning that includes civics and ethics education
  child and education focued childcare disability services not as welfare support but as right
  Provide universal access through taxation, free at the point of service to healthcare, education, housing and public transport
Education 32 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  Education /Opportunity
  education system to underpin achieing income equality
  Increase investment in education particularly in early preschool education
  needs to be greater fit between education and world of work
  Add community education to the education system
  education should include adult and non formal education.
  We felt uncomfortable about putting education at the bottom
  Should include life long learning and non-institutionalised learning
  Include life long learning in the bullet point on education
  Education - access and participation not the same
  Educatioj is key
  Education is key issue for universal access
  2 Add social solidarity point 3 all people on baisis of need point 4 need invest of quality replace with assure also add life long learning 5 access to information and information technology be universal also accces to justice
  Equality of access in education important but priority to be assigned to pre school education
  Need to define a robust definition of health; of education; of transport and of all other services. Equality needs to be THE goal. Currently it is too 'wishy washy'. Needs to be stronger and draw on the work that is available
  education to be lifelong and community led
  improve quality of education
  After making efficency integration and equality goals, it was almost impossbile to prioritise health over education or housing and feelign safe. therefore we went with hierarchy of needs, but admit this is insufficient way to prioritise.
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Add to the education point LEADING TO EQUALITY OG OUTCOMES
  the education system needs positive discrimination not simply equal access. the emphasis needs to be on early years and primary as this is essential for people to have access opportunities and good outcomes at the third level educational system
  Use word effective rather than efficient. Take education out of our number 4 - access and participation in everything. Discussion on whether we have the money to pay for universal services - view was that we are a still wealthy country and that redistribu
  No 3 all levels of education and dont confine to pre school - university
  Ensure access to life long elarning that includes civics and ethics education
  child and education focued childcare disability services not as welfare support but as right
  Provide universal access through taxation, free at the point of service to healthcare, education, housing and public transport
Education 7 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Governance of education is paramount. Need for proper recognition and rewards for teachers - with promotion within the profession (no outside i.e. to principals) Referebce o Finnish model. Revised and updated school programming
  Reform education system to promote active citizenship among children and review education programms like CSPE e.g. introduce sociology instead
  Reform education system to promote active citizenship among children and review education programms like CSPE e.g. introduce sociology instead
  Access to and support to keep people in education
  Education of rights and empowernment to access and realise your rights
  Claiming Our Future can establish a national network of person-to-person community education groups to promote citizen empowerment (hedge schools).
  Proportionality - quotas Education
Education 32 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  Education /Opportunity
  education system to underpin achieing income equality
  Increase investment in education particularly in early preschool education
  needs to be greater fit between education and world of work
  Add community education to the education system
  education should include adult and non formal education.
  We felt uncomfortable about putting education at the bottom
  Should include life long learning and non-institutionalised learning
  Include life long learning in the bullet point on education
  Education - access and participation not the same
  Educatioj is key
  Education is key issue for universal access
  2 Add social solidarity point 3 all people on baisis of need point 4 need invest of quality replace with assure also add life long learning 5 access to information and information technology be universal also accces to justice
  Equality of access in education important but priority to be assigned to pre school education
  Need to define a robust definition of health; of education; of transport and of all other services. Equality needs to be THE goal. Currently it is too 'wishy washy'. Needs to be stronger and draw on the work that is available
  education to be lifelong and community led
  improve quality of education
  After making efficency integration and equality goals, it was almost impossbile to prioritise health over education or housing and feelign safe. therefore we went with hierarchy of needs, but admit this is insufficient way to prioritise.
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Add to the education point LEADING TO EQUALITY OG OUTCOMES
  the education system needs positive discrimination not simply equal access. the emphasis needs to be on early years and primary as this is essential for people to have access opportunities and good outcomes at the third level educational system
  Use word effective rather than efficient. Take education out of our number 4 - access and participation in everything. Discussion on whether we have the money to pay for universal services - view was that we are a still wealthy country and that redistribu
  No 3 all levels of education and dont confine to pre school - university
  Ensure access to life long elarning that includes civics and ethics education
  child and education focued childcare disability services not as welfare support but as right
  Provide universal access through taxation, free at the point of service to healthcare, education, housing and public transport
Events 39 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Ensure a follow up session for all participators in today's event, possibly outside Dublin
  national monster rally prior to budget as a visible force for influencing decisions
  To continue to organise forums of this nature to maintain the enthusasim that is present today
  Organise similar events to Dublin on a regional/local level -Also and information bus
  Hold local activities in two parts. 1 organising door to door questionaires on what people want for Irish society. 2 holding public meetings to discuss and agree the way forward.
  Organise a Claiming Our Future event for 15 to 25 year olds organised by and for 15 to 25 year olds
  Events that are supportive of the Claimiing our future agenda being promoted and branded as Claiming our Future
  Have stuff like postcards and other campaign stuff ready for people to do after protest events
  National Claiming Our Future day - 6 months time all together again but similar event on in every county in Ireland agreeing set of demands and alternative dialogue
  Re-run today's exercise on a regional basis across Ireleand - soon to maintain the momentum.
  getb acive locally and natioanlly in activities and protests
  Need celebratory event to highlight the positivity of the movement and present positive image
  a one-day event to publiscise campaign
  Creative event - one day for COF accross Ireland on a specific day, to be organised at a local level. Alternative St Patrciks day Parade, or floats evry parade
  Date for another national meeting to update progress
  Hold local claimourfuture events across Ireland. Possibility of holding events at same time, with a centralized PA system to convay the MC's messages, and speaches. Could also have video screens for the live streaming from each event.
  Increase public awareness by having an event eg. a pre-budget march
  Take this back to our local areas, organisations and build on this to link with creative event
  large demonstration
  Organise claiming our future floats for st patricks day parades around the country
  we need another meeting to approve the manifesto
  A Claiming your Futures Festival an equality electric picnic!
  Have a peoples party or fun family day under the banner of claiming our future and have activities/speeches etc
  popularise the ideas from today's event through a roadshow around the country
  summer festival, promote arts and culture as valid aspect of our soicety
  Provide public education sessions - economics, democracy etc
  organise another event such as this to include a more diverse grouping such as young people, migrants and people with less edcuation
  banner days to advertise the initiative
  Claiming our future to have a peoples parliament as result of this event this could be in the form of music festival or one day event
  Organise another large, participative event at which people could learn from existing, alternative political, social and economic models
  Organise arts events to popularise ideas from today
  Create this kind of forum at local level empowering people to engage in deliberative dialogue building to a National Day
  More of this - it worked - keep going with these types of events - maybe wider audience
  Need to bring us all together again soon enough. I would suggest a march followed by a big discussion meeting to talk about the next step. These need to happen soon before people lose their enthusiasm and get busy with life etc!
  Mass launch (in every town square symbolc act can be enacted to represent new vision)
  Have an education day where we go out locally to shopping centres etc. and hand out manifesto/leaflet and be willing to talk to people
  Arrange gatherings regularly Build consensus
  Build towardsa national civic demonstration type event but make it more of a Carnival of regeneration to get young people involved; musicians for COF
  create opportunites to be involved in projects which allow participants to prcess and learn from what is going on - to lead to transformation
Foreign Direct Investment 3 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Prioiritse indigenous economy development. Not happy with the FDI bit
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
Freedom 0
Funding 7 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  develop a fundraising strategy for COF using facebook, twitter aswell as established modes of communication
  Crowd funding from a broad social network another idea is one euro for one voice ie 1000 euro could be raised today
  finance movement using the obama election model
  All activities and FUNDING of COF should be open, transparent and accountable
  spend the resources wisely
  make badges and merchandise
  Set up a database where everyone can state what they are willing to contribute including time money expertise and other resources
Global Role 9 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  We felt that the global south is a very important issue and responsibilityfor Ireland but misplaced under the heading of Governance
  Ireland's golbal role must give consideration to its role in relation to the EU as we must be able to critically analyse the Eu and relationship to it
  Global role is very important
  irelands global role is a cross cutting issue across all the policy areas/values discussed today
  Irelands interest in global issuesneeds to be more than helpign global south also need to deal with poor here and influence of eg WTO IMF EU
  Ensure IReland's global role, foreign and economic policies and international relations vindicates (rather than advances) the rights of impoverished and exploited people in the countries of the global south
  Global issues need to be a separate policy choice as it seems to sit awkwardly in this section and is difficult to rank amidst the other four values which refer to national reform
  At a global justive level Ireland must ensure that there is equality in addressing issues of environmental sustainability and climate change and Ireland should fully use its influence in the
  Reaffirm Ireland's commitment to peace and neutrality domestically and internationally
Growth Alternative 1 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Consider alternatives to growth and the shareholder system, e.g. sustainable food, energy, transport and alternative business models such as cooperatives
Housing 7 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  The State should hand over suitable NAMA residential properties to Local Authorties for Social Housing
  housing should be in universal access section rather than with communities and transport
  Reform housing model and explore new ownership options using existing surplus housing stock
  Right to Housing + good Public Transport important, but ranked low because mixed with other ideas.
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Provide universal access through taxation, free at the point of service to healthcare, education, housing and public transport
Income Equality 14 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Tie the egalitarian idea to the policy change - equality needs to be on thsi list or we will maintain class based inequalities. Economic equality - equality in work and learning & income
  Not enought to look for a job strategy - need an equality based strategy that includes gender and class
  education system to underpin achieing income equality
  income adequacy to be prioritised/ optimum standards of living and not the minimum standards of living
  Examine the remuneration of those providing essential services to the state and community for example doctors and barristers
  Guaranteed minumum income-not just wage
  Introduce the concept of the living wage.
  Explore basic income system
  Introduce the concept of the living wage.
  Guaranteed minumum income-not just wage
  address the poverty trap to incentivise people to work
  Maximum wage was seen to be a disincentive by some - though some agreed with it. The tax system was suggested as an alternative way of imposing taxation on very high earners.
  Prioritise decent meaningful employment for both Irish and international people, as in employees in other countries producing goods need to be treated fairly e.g. wages, justice. Fair employment globally
  Human Rights Apprach suggested to b used as apprach to income, wealth and work
Indigenous Economy 9 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Our number 3 is Drive a strong indigenous economy by promoting innovation within small business, social entrepreneurship & c & V sector.
  Prioiritse indigenous economy development. Not happy with the FDI bit
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
  Stratigic investment in key industries that reflect the capibilities and strenghts of Ireland
  Think small, local community. Legislate for common good. Incubate small businesses.
  support microenterprise
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  Natural resources defined as including human resources. More local investment for local businesses.
  support indigeneous industry
Integrity 17 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  New visiosn statement, inclusion, respect, integrity and honesty
  Diversity Integrity Fairness
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  integrity, culture, imagination, creativity, co-operation, enterpirse
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  Honesty and Integrity. Also, accountability must be based on transparency and openness
  we want leadership and responsibility and integrity in our goverennace - a defined standard of behaviour, quality, probity.
  Political parties and politicians must first of all be credible They have to reconstruct the role of a politician as being someone who is honest trustworthy and devoted to doing what's best for their constituency and country
Integrity 17 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  New visiosn statement, inclusion, respect, integrity and honesty
  Diversity Integrity Fairness
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  integrity, culture, imagination, creativity, co-operation, enterpirse
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  Honesty and Integrity. Also, accountability must be based on transparency and openness
  we want leadership and responsibility and integrity in our goverennace - a defined standard of behaviour, quality, probity.
  Political parties and politicians must first of all be credible They have to reconstruct the role of a politician as being someone who is honest trustworthy and devoted to doing what's best for their constituency and country
Judicial Reform 12 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Revisit Brehon Law to inform current justice reform
  Increase access to the judicial system for everyone
  prompt action on white collar crime; judicial reform, reform of law society
  unsure as to what is ment by develop a strong and effective judicial system and how we can change it
  The point on the judicial system shoul emhasise fairness
  Reform on the judicial system including equality must be under pinned by constitutional reform to under pin it. The judicial system must reflect the diversity of society. Equality of access must be addressed and cost must not be a barrier or create barri
  constitution reform of all laws and childern rights
  We believe that the judicary protects the ruling class and that judges should sit for a rotating period of five years.
  Reform the appointment systems for selecting judges
  Role f Gardai alienates some communities from justice especially young people
  Ensure judiciary comply with international legislation on social and environmental matters
  Judicial system should focus on equality and a a better class based analysis
Language (here) 15 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  wording jargonistic so difficult to understand should have a separate section on rights
  options should be written in a style that is more accessible to wider constituencies
  Don't like the use of teh word/term efficiency - use effective instead
  language is very bad and sometimes quite weak
  reform should read transform
  unsure as to what is ment by develop a strong and effective judicial system and how we can change it
  We feel that the other two options are too vague and can be interpreted in too broad a manner, so we have declined to vote on them.
  Although the group voted on " Empower people... there was alot of concern about how the following terms were being used, and how they can be interpreted: the words of concern are 'modern', 'individualised', 'universal services' 'targeted resources' ,
  Table don't like the term/word effeiciency - perfer term efective as has different outcome
  strange choices - comining healh, safety and transport?!?!
  The language in this section is too ambiguous and open to misinterpretation
  what does right to safe communities mean?
  Also problems with the word 'efficiency',
  reword suggestion: Make equality, integration and effeciency the goals of public service reform
  Difficult to rank as some are very aspirational and require further clarity. Need more clarity around the types and values especially in terms of education and healthcare. Use the word support rather than empower in relation to the social welfare system
Language (here) 15 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  wording jargonistic so difficult to understand should have a separate section on rights
  options should be written in a style that is more accessible to wider constituencies
  Don't like the use of teh word/term efficiency - use effective instead
  language is very bad and sometimes quite weak
  reform should read transform
  unsure as to what is ment by develop a strong and effective judicial system and how we can change it
  We feel that the other two options are too vague and can be interpreted in too broad a manner, so we have declined to vote on them.
  Although the group voted on " Empower people... there was alot of concern about how the following terms were being used, and how they can be interpreted: the words of concern are 'modern', 'individualised', 'universal services' 'targeted resources' ,
  Table don't like the term/word effeiciency - perfer term efective as has different outcome
  strange choices - comining healh, safety and transport?!?!
  The language in this section is too ambiguous and open to misinterpretation
  what does right to safe communities mean?
  Also problems with the word 'efficiency',
  reword suggestion: Make equality, integration and effeciency the goals of public service reform
  Difficult to rank as some are very aspirational and require further clarity. Need more clarity around the types and values especially in terms of education and healthcare. Use the word support rather than empower in relation to the social welfare system
Leadership 2 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  we want leadership and responsibility and integrity in our goverennace - a defined standard of behaviour, quality, probity.
  Political parties and politicians must first of all be credible They have to reconstruct the role of a politician as being someone who is honest trustworthy and devoted to doing what's best for their constituency and country
Local COF 89 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Promote Claiming our Future agreed Values with like-minded organisations / individuals, e.g. 'Become a Friend' on Facebook, or link in with local organisations
  localised networked campaign
  Maintian national and media coverage to promote agenda
  Build a network areound local facilitators
  Constituency level groups to voice relevent, local change.
  To continue to organise forums of this nature to maintain the enthusasim that is present today
  1. Localisation stategy
  provide a form of loose leadership, not based on hierarchy, to support the work of claiming our future, networked electronically
  Build strcuture in communities trade unions etc inclusive of imimgrant population travellers children and young people
  Ensure a follow up session for all participators in today's event, possibly outside Dublin
  Organise similar events to Dublin on a regional/local level -Also and information bus
  A group to come up with creative, imaginative tactics in a rapid response form
  Power of 10 campaign - 10 messages from today, disseminated to ten people by each person who attended CoF today
  register of volunteers from today for future work
  Hold local activities in two parts. 1 organising door to door questionaires on what people want for Irish society. 2 holding public meetings to discuss and agree the way forward.
  how business is done by COF - language that used, childcare bit, organising community (area and interest base)
  Local/county/regional meetings to follow up with those that were here todauy and follow up with those that couldn't make it
  influence media local and national especially start at local
  Claim our future should look to train facilitators to communicate ideas locally
  1000 people today stimulated and motivated to go back to local communities and facilitate sessions using todays model to get broader ideas and consensus. the model prior to today was good but a lot of people missed the meetings and today is their first in
  Physical regional/county forums
  National Claiming Our Future day - 6 months time all together again but similar event on in every county in Ireland agreeing set of demands and alternative dialogue
  todays model is a useful framework for future local or regional sessions
  Develop claiming our future county groups
  use of Community Development models to progress the movement
  Claiming Our Future road show - out and about around the country, more on the ground so more people can get on the bus
  Re-run today's exercise on a regional basis across Ireleand - soon to maintain the momentum.
  national structure for Claiming our future with regional committees
  Co-ordinate a local lobbying campaign with TDs on policy issues agreed
  Put people in touch with each other and hold regional meetings to build movement
  work through existing community structures to get the message out and use well idenitified local issues to mobilise
  local community/ county level COF events
  Promote the policy agenda through more local events and continuing these conversations
  civic movement with clear objectives local organisations promote arguments / facts & figures creative protets that involves local people planning
  Communicate the message of today to local communities and local decision makers by positive clear media follow up and other forms of media
  use of existing forums, eg community forums in each county. get c our f put on the agenda. use existing structures
  Focus on changing the development model via (a) access to the media, (b) calling on the greens to pull out of government, (c) attracting more young people and (d) attracting more people from outside Dublin
  Start in the communities bottom up with small local groups and set up central structure to co-ordinate
  Creative event - one day for COF accross Ireland on a specific day, to be organised at a local level. Alternative St Patrciks day Parade, or floats evry parade
  Build democractic and participative local civic assemblies/fora.
  Mobolise from the lowest of levels (town, parish) to bring everyones ideas to the fore.
  Hold local claimourfuture events across Ireland. Possibility of holding events at same time, with a centralized PA system to convay the MC's messages, and speaches. Could also have video screens for the live streaming from each event.
  Provide voluntary leadership for citizens action teams in communities
  speakers corner/ localised groups
  Circulate e-mails on regional basis so we can contact interested people in our geographic area
  local media= local papers and radio
  Keep informed and communicate with local community
  Have a follow up e.g. citizens assembly in counties
  Take this back to our local areas, organisations and build on this to link with creative event
  regular meetings at national and local level to drive the initiative
  'Chatting our Future' continue discussions in our workplaces, communities, families where we have discussions - we need a discussion pack - to repeat things like todays discussion and feedback the results into the website , ie tables at local level, amy
  hold local events to bring others with us and influence politicains- invite politicians to meetings
  Media campaign. Local mobilisation access inclusion diversity and young people
  Engage and link with people locally through media, clubs, local forums
  Organise workplace, local and Regional Assemblies to develop plans of action
  trained mobilisers for people to liaise with who want to become involved/ make local events
  Building support at grassroots level - a grass roots movement is a pre requisite - Town Hall Meetings, use technology to publicise and promote. Target sectors- young people, older people, migrants etc - all ned to be included.
  Empower local community activists as priority
  Spread the word in your area
  popularise the ideas from today's event through a roadshow around the country
  1. A gathering - a positive gathering for change, defending what we've got. One hour around the Budget, nationwide in every town's market square. Slogan: Get up, stand up, Claim our Future! Stressing it's not a once off, to be prepared by meetings in all
  Have this type of event throughout Ireland Starting with a high profile campaign that would engender interest and enthusiasm by using high profile personalities TV Radio leaflets etc. So people participate locally in their own communities and are all simu
  Make more use of local media
  braoden, widen and deepen the conversation using the website and working at a regional level
  Establish local action groups to facilitate grassroots involvement in COF movement - e.g. hosting meetings/ information sessions in smaller towns and communities to facilitate grassroots participation
  Organise local actions to discuss ideas and policies from today and develop actions at local level
  have local organisation in all parts of the country
  Replicate today's event in communities and counties by all people who attended today
  we should have local meetings to reflect on the role of government and suggest citizens assembly in each town / area
  Develop a national structure to mobilise civil society involvement on a county or regional basis
  Develop new forms of bringing together new technologies and face to face relationships
  Organise events similar to today around the country and in the various organisations
  people from this event should be aggregated by region and local meetings could be held
  Encourage volunteers to help each grouping to have conversations and get alternative agenda out there
  Create COF structures at local, regional and national level (Alt Senate) being inclusive in participants and region (not just Dublin)
  Get this movement into every community, form small citizen groups. Hughly improve Ireland's animal Welfare record.
  Set up COF villages across the country to test COF policies and ideas
  Create this kind of forum at local level empowering people to engage in deliberative dialogue building to a National Day
  Develop a network of community-led mobilisation groups.
  Ensure the organisation has a national focus while having a nationwide structure that reaches out beyond Dublin and reaches out to a diverse range of communities, including migrants
  Get local/regional/county attendees toegether - put them in contact with eachother
  Use the resources for todays organisers and organisations to support this work nationally and locally NOT ONLY ONLINE
  Establish COF Groups all over Ireland
  think local- look global- circulate contact detais to people from similar geographic regions for local follow up
  mobilise peope in communities through use of community education methods /activecitzenship education to beome aprt of movement ; use their vote strategically
  We need to raise awareness about the alternative agenda at all levels - at local community level, Trade Unions, youth orgs etc
  open and increase the dialogue with wider society around our values and priorities through grassroots meetings actions as well as national
Meaningful Employment 8 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  address the poverty trap to incentivise people to work
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  remove meaningfull to become all work number 4
  Point 4 should also include works -value all meaningfull work to include work in the home child care and elderly care
  needs to be greater fit between education and world of work
  Prioritise decent meaningful employment for both Irish and international people, as in employees in other countries producing goods need to be treated fairly e.g. wages, justice. Fair employment globally
  Human Rights Apprach suggested to b used as apprach to income, wealth and work
  e wary of full employment as we now have situation where it requires two adults working full time to support a family and run a household. What dies this say of the kind of society we can have: slave labuor, no choice
Natural Resources 7 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  reclaim natural resources is nessary to acieve number 2
  nationalise national resource
  Natural resources must include land
  Think small, local community. Legislate for common good. Incubate small businesses.
  Natural resources defined as including human resources. More local investment for local businesses.
  Clean Water
  Trade Justic especially agriculture both nationally and globally. Natural reousrces would also be part of sustainable development
Network/Fora 59 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Use the website for doingd something positive
  saghre info and skills with briefings and a website
  We need to do the simple stuff too such as email their TDs
  Gather the alternative policies and put them on the website for example articles and alternative policy documents
  provide a form of loose leadership, not based on hierarchy, to support the work of claiming our future, networked electronically
  Ongoing communication to people that they can cause positive change, do not rely on politions. Provide tools for this voice to engage in change.
  Create You Tube channel for COF
  focus on action, based on small and large organisations, using new media
  Circulate e-mail of all participatants so we can organise together
  develop a fundraising strategy for COF using facebook, twitter aswell as established modes of communication
  Mobilize future movement, including use of media and new media ensuring diversity and proportionality. Claiming our future charter.
  Develop a internal resource network in order to share the information resources of all the organisations in COF
  To continue to organise forums of this nature to maintain the enthusasim that is present today
  creating a system with a menue and choice of actions and tasks that people can pick and choose using all available social networking and multi media
  Develop the claim our future website as a voting forum for political issues
  Web forum plus database to contain contacts and skills of available participants
  Ceate Forum/online cross-sectoral support Network for activism and theory, praxis and reflection
  Information. Importance of developng clear information to circulate at every opportunity and use internet viral opportunities
  Hold local claimourfuture events across Ireland. Possibility of holding events at same time, with a centralized PA system to convay the MC's messages, and speaches. Could also have video screens for the live streaming from each event.
  giving an alternative and organised means of expressing thei opposition, of protesting and getting their voices heard, giving them a choice of how to do it
  'Chatting our Future' continue discussions in our workplaces, communities, families where we have discussions - we need a discussion pack - to repeat things like todays discussion and feedback the results into the website , ie tables at local level, amy
  Claimingourfuture.ie - to develop online forum to enable continued involvement and as aREAL tool for action
  Building support at grassroots level - a grass roots movement is a pre requisite - Town Hall Meetings, use technology to publicise and promote. Target sectors- young people, older people, migrants etc - all ned to be included.
  Let people under 25 know that they have a voice, and connect them to government issues. Use modern mediums - social media, blogs, etc. Use plain english to describe policies so people - not only young people - can access them. Use creative means for getti
  Continue to have roundtable sessions and develop a report on findings.
  Utilise alternative / community media outlets and create new and encourage participation in existing media collectives
  Create a database of all participants adn poll and engage witjh regularly
  Use the website simialr to AVAAZ as a lobbying and communication tool to elicit action amongst the particiapnts and the potential wider audience out there
  Make use of social networks to raise awareness of teh movement particualy ask participants to dedicate their status etc as in breast cancer awareness
  implement discussion threads on the claiming our futures website
  Making options / viewpoints / accessible to all - by using on-line forums / voting by texting /
  Developing Claiming Our Future into an alternative policy forum
  flesh out the bones of the ideas use the website to collect ideas and how to implement them
  visible emblem to show support of COF - also a way to communicate and get others involved - form aof recuitment adn dissemination
  Message Board on CoF
  all decision making processes to be participatory, deliberative and inclusive, including the use of rotating roles to ensure democracy
  Develop new forms of bringing together new technologies and face to face relationships
  Set up section on COF Website so that participants today can feed in actions that they have undertaken, e.g. holding session in a group they are involved with.
  Place for all particpants to contiue todays discussion and opportunities to continue to imput more ideas
  Develop the online component of the campaign - have competitions in schools, universities, work places, community organisations, trade unions etc to build momentum
  Use internet site to support actions with COF organisations at local regional and national level.
  Provide for a more open forum to formulate COFs priorities and outcomes to ensure we set off on the right track from the start
  on line petition to support the vlaues for change from today to be given to goverenmnt - go out and actively collect get people to sign
  use new technologies to communicate and ask people to sign up to 10 core messages from today
  Use of technology and social media to disseminate activites and progress
  Use social media to spread the word
  Build democractic and participative local civic assemblies/fora.
  Circulate e-mails on regional basis so we can contact interested people in our geographic area
  Use ICTs, social media etc fully, to keep people informed, interacting etc
  2. Dissemintate information about Claiming our future through different foras to build actions on decisions we have taken
  Use mechanisms and processes in place to plan for CoF to bring work to next stage
  finance movement using the obama election model
  Reach out to other organisations - build a network
  Everyone that attended today signs up to Claiming Our Future on Facebook and / or on www.claimingourfuture.ie
  A claim our future forum needs to be developed to ensure participation in decision making. It should use meeting, internet and media
  Set up a database where everyone can state what they are willing to contribute including time money expertise and other resources
  Arrange gatherings regularly Build consensus
New Development Model 9 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  Enact Agenda 21
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  Model of development choice is too weak - need to move beyond aspiration towards guarantee
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Need to recognise the the social, economic deprevation and underdevelopment of rural Ireland; Banking needs/should be incorporated in policy area 1; Remove 'legally binding' in no 5; Policy area no 2 add at end of sentence 'by taking back into public owne
  The focus for movement should be on changing the fundamental model rather than getting too specific at this stage. There's not enough detail re the choices i.e. how will increased tax be spent,
  Put the word including before green/social economy
New Development Model 9 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  Enact Agenda 21
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  Model of development choice is too weak - need to move beyond aspiration towards guarantee
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Need to recognise the the social, economic deprevation and underdevelopment of rural Ireland; Banking needs/should be incorporated in policy area 1; Remove 'legally binding' in no 5; Policy area no 2 add at end of sentence 'by taking back into public owne
  The focus for movement should be on changing the fundamental model rather than getting too specific at this stage. There's not enough detail re the choices i.e. how will increased tax be spent,
  Put the word including before green/social economy
New Economic Model 18 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  Economic soverignty
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  The vision should lead ec onomy, economy should not lead vision
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Public profit before private profit
  That monetary policy be democratically accountable to reflect the goals of employment and social cohesion ( i.e European Central Bank
  A process of democratic control required over state resources and companies - apply the same principles to pay etc
  investing the pension reserve must include controls on private profit and should be reinvested in the community
  Overall change in practice in practice in realtion to banking and financial systems - culture of light or no regulation needs to be changed - system needs to be changed to ensure accountable regulation.
  Capitalism creates and maintains inequality
  state bank that supports community
  nationalise national resource
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  democratic control of onvestment
  Put in economic security for the people in the first one please
  The focus for movement should be on changing the fundamental model rather than getting too specific at this stage. There's not enough detail re the choices i.e. how will increased tax be spent,
New Economic Model 18 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  Economic soverignty
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  The vision should lead ec onomy, economy should not lead vision
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Public profit before private profit
  That monetary policy be democratically accountable to reflect the goals of employment and social cohesion ( i.e European Central Bank
  A process of democratic control required over state resources and companies - apply the same principles to pay etc
  investing the pension reserve must include controls on private profit and should be reinvested in the community
  Overall change in practice in practice in realtion to banking and financial systems - culture of light or no regulation needs to be changed - system needs to be changed to ensure accountable regulation.
  Capitalism creates and maintains inequality
  state bank that supports community
  nationalise national resource
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  democratic control of onvestment
  Put in economic security for the people in the first one please
  The focus for movement should be on changing the fundamental model rather than getting too specific at this stage. There's not enough detail re the choices i.e. how will increased tax be spent,
New Media 59 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  creating a system with a menue and choice of actions and tasks that people can pick and choose using all available social networking and multi media
  Need to keep the momentum from today therefore clear targets in terms of feedback and future actions and dates need to be communicated. We are the multipliers at todays event so it is vital that people do not lose interest
  Ongoing communication to people that they can cause positive change, do not rely on politions. Provide tools for this voice to engage in change.
  provide a form of loose leadership, not based on hierarchy, to support the work of claiming our future, networked electronically
  On the website we should have some stories of people winning justice through activism to encourage us that we can succeed
  actively reach and engage the irish diaspora abroad
  focus on action, based on small and large organisations, using new media
  develop a fundraising strategy for COF using facebook, twitter aswell as established modes of communication
  Create You Tube channel for COF
  Power of 10 campaign - 10 messages from today, disseminated to ten people by each person who attended CoF today
  Develop the claim our future website as a voting forum for political issues
  communicate our message in more user friendly, easy to understand terms to a broad audience, without dumbing down
  Mobilize future movement, including use of media and new media ensuring diversity and proportionality. Claiming our future charter.
  Organise a Claiming Our Future event for 15 to 25 year olds organised by and for 15 to 25 year olds
  Active communication campaign - get champions for the cause, popularise ideas, targeted those less political, clear messages
  Web forum plus database to contain contacts and skills of available participants
  Become visable in the media and on the streets
  30 Second 'vox-pop's on national media/ on-line with ordinary people speaking on "My Vision of Ireland Is.....
  saghre info and skills with briefings and a website
  use new technologies to communicate and ask people to sign up to 10 core messages from today
  Develop communications channel to change the dominant narrative.
  A primer explaining all these complex economic issues in simple language up on the website
  Increased use of social media but also necessary to capture mainstream media who dont seem to have publicised today's event.
  Communicate the message of today to local communities and local decision makers by positive clear media follow up and other forms of media
  Use of technology and social media to disseminate activites and progress
  Information. Importance of developng clear information to circulate at every opportunity and use internet viral opportunities
  Use social media to spread the word
  media strategy- facebook etc is the olny way of accessing certain people who are not accessing community groups etc
  Hold local claimourfuture events across Ireland. Possibility of holding events at same time, with a centralized PA system to convay the MC's messages, and speaches. Could also have video screens for the live streaming from each event.
  ask christy moore to wite a song and get live aid type song to inspire
  2. Dissemintate information about Claiming our future through different foras to build actions on decisions we have taken
  Promote Claiming our Future agreed Values with like-minded organisations / individuals, e.g. 'Become a Friend' on Facebook, or link in with local organisations
  Use ICTs, social media etc fully, to keep people informed, interacting etc
  Use the website for doingd something positive
  Develop newsletter that people who are not computer literate can subscribe to
  Develop the online component of the campaign - have competitions in schools, universities, work places, community organisations, trade unions etc to build momentum
  Put up on website video presentations from social movements elsewhere so we can learn from them how to best work together
  Building support at grassroots level - a grass roots movement is a pre requisite - Town Hall Meetings, use technology to publicise and promote. Target sectors- young people, older people, migrants etc - all ned to be included.
  Have a proactive slick media and pr campaign to challenge the governments media spinning and use social media as part of this
  Let people under 25 know that they have a voice, and connect them to government issues. Use modern mediums - social media, blogs, etc. Use plain english to describe policies so people - not only young people - can access them. Use creative means for getti
  Utilise alternative / community media outlets and create new and encourage participation in existing media collectives
  Develop a creative, postive media campaign involving stunts (eg flashmobbing), establish an independent media campaign, and build on the social medial campaign
  Make use of social networks to raise awareness of teh movement particualy ask participants to dedicate their status etc as in breast cancer awareness
  Making options / viewpoints / accessible to all - by using on-line forums / voting by texting /
  flesh out the bones of the ideas use the website to collect ideas and how to implement them
  use wider media to advertise, engage for example media accessed by younger people
  use wider media to advertise, engage for example media accessed by younger people
  Message Board on CoF
  Have a 'Reach the Pissed Off People' campaign - through popular media - facebook, twitter etc to bring them into the movement - put a positive spin on it that there are ways to change this but not use policy talk language, make is accessible
  Develop new forms of bringing together new technologies and face to face relationships
  Set up section on COF Website so that participants today can feed in actions that they have undertaken, e.g. holding session in a group they are involved with.
  Look for diverse ways to capture the public imagination-use of different media including but not exclusively social media recognising different demographies
  Communicate COF policy widely through many media outlets sep internet and produce media to visualise life with COF policies
  make the campaign visible in imaginative and creative ways such as viral marketing etc
  creative way of using the media
  finance movement using the obama election model
  Everyone that attended today signs up to Claiming Our Future on Facebook and / or on www.claimingourfuture.ie
  all people who attended should be added to a communication and list and shhould be communicated with regularly and asked with yhey like to formally jooin this movemenr for positive social change
Open the Debate 12 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  3. Find an appropiate strategy for the access and dissemination of information which empowers citizens to make more informed decisions (e.g. subventions in the fishing indusrty who gets what)
  Make sure alternative voices such as Joseph Stiglitz and Fintan OToole and the likes are heard
  Get outside perspectives on irelands crisis to highlight that not everybody agrees with the austerity agenda
  Promote visibility transparency and openness in the public sector by making minutes of meetings open to the public
  Create mechanisms for citizen involvement in policy making
  new constitutional crusade on challenging the existing primacy of individual rights (e.g. property, rents, legal fees) in favour of collective rights
  Establish a Civil Society Forum
  start a petition for the creation of a citizens assembly
  children's parliament - active citizenship as core element of schooling (7 to 10 years)
  Encourage more engagement in the civil society process e.g. we should not hold local elections until local government process is reformed
  If this crisis we are in is systemic, we need to openly discuss transition theories and create a space for a different type of vision
  Take advantage of existing opportunities for citizens to participate in decision making.
Other 142 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  Additional value: compassion
  Common Good rather than individual rights
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Inclusion, Culture, Creativity, Truth, Common Good, Rights not Needs.
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  honesty, self awareness, balance, diversity, connection
  Diversity Integrity Fairness
  Safety, Understanding, Creativity, Vision, Empathy, Life Security, Support, Treedom
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  to value culture, arts and creativity as part of our heritage
  awareness (ecological considered so fundamental but not reflected as a value)
  public conversation/discourse/creativity/transparency
  Collective action
  We collapsed last bullet point into our first priority, so we did not vote for it separately
  Some people at this table were unhappy with the listing process as they felt were too confined by it and disappointed that discussion couldnt be broader. Some issues were not voted on due to concerns about wording interpretations and meanings.
  people shoi
  people shoi
  people shoi
  create opportunites to be involved in projects which allow participants to prcess and learn from what is going on - to lead to transformation
  how to turn irish people into mass participnts inme
  There is no vaue here that would promote our creative work, our worth
  care, Human and enviromental biodiversity, critcal awareness of gender. knowlwdge based society, stewardship
  Service, Leadership, Charter of Responsibility
  Economic soverignty
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  we want to say that all of these are importnat to be worked on
  Enact Agenda 21
  All of the objectives are interdependent and can't be implemented independently
  Strategic partnerhsip/exchange of ideas with other countries
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
  The vision should lead ec onomy, economy should not lead vision
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  energy security, stop bank bailout
  Model of development choice is too weak - need to move beyond aspiration towards guarantee
  Measure of progress - increase/decrease organinc matter content of soil
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  The language is dreadful and the ideas are too complex
  Change the word "cap" to "reduce" in priority 4. Focus on the talent that is in Ireland
  equality/gender proofing economic policies
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Education curriculum linked to the ablove policies
  Would have liked to have chosen bullet points 1 and 3 as a joint 1st choice
  Put in economic security for the people in the first one please
  Not voting on 3 and 4 due to how prioirites are phrased and sense that the problem cannot be solved in the saqme way they have been created
  Its a pity they wernt put into themes rather than specific proposals
  Belief in a meritocracy is flawed - need a radical restructuring
  Unions to negotiate on behalf of everyone - Need democratic structures in work place - Maximum wage to include all benefits, shares and expenses - Minimum standard of living for all - Policy choice with regard to tax take needs to go further - Communities
  Change 'EU average' to 'Nordic average' in bullet point 3
  Thirty five hour week as standard without loss of pay
  there should be clear link between taxation and services
  Reject the cutbacks
  An increqase in the overall tax take to the Eu average and broadening of the tax base should only happen if there is a dramatic and significant change in the Social Welfare, Education and Health System.
  we want to say that 2 and 3 need to be hand in hand in practice.
  There was a lot of debate about setting 1st and 2nd priorities - in the end a majority of 5/3 chose our first priority
  Not all members of the table wanted to vote as they believed that the options were insipid and weak and none had the ability to transform society.
  change electoral voting system
  need to ensure policies do not negatively impact on other economies in developing world in particular should support these economies
  transform unemployment benefit into social employment payment
  Focus on community based economies
  Leadership needs to show what needs to be done e.g trade unions
  no consensus
  improve collective bargining rights for working people.
  prioritise jobs not just in the green/social economy
  Consensus on numbers 3 and 4 was quite difficult as it was felt the statement on increasing overall tax take need further clarity and definition.
  reform co-operative law and increase profit sharing, extended to the community
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  Stae expenditure needs to be considered as part of this
  We do not like the wording of Prioritise high levesl of decent employment and think that the words decent and green/socila economy should be deleted. We also would like to end the recognise and reward statement to delet from care work to shared more equal
  Kennedy: we must never fear to negotiate but we must never negotiate though fear.
  remove meaningfull to become all work number 4
  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
  Meritocracy based approach has to shift
  one view expressed a table was that these five points are very aspirational but lacking practical effectiveness
  Re increasing the overall tax take -dont use the term tax base but use instead tax range. There is an absence in this list of the value of self actualisation and creativity.
  Add QUOTE industrial democracy and corproate governance policies ENDNDQUOTE to QUOTE wage tax and income policies ENDQUOTE ALSO referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth ALSO all five points need analysis and explanation to open the p
  referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth
  all five points need analysis and explanation to open them up and make them understood
  not mass consumers
  collective bargaining should be in economic policy section
  organisational democracy in the workplace- people have a financial say as well as a 'say' in the running of the complany- they are stakeholders
  We need the definitions, the aims and the methods to all work together
  Mass protest next
  point 4 change develop to assure point 5 substiture support with implement (Gender and Class) global role our rights and responsibilities
  Corruption needs to be added to the list
  Expectation that action has to happen soon - or movement will fail
  End the unseen influence of the Irish elite looking after itself
  the decision on choices was made despite sustained objection
  active citizenship is very important
  Look at Zapatistmo model for a more 'delegative' and non-pay (in kind) system - potential in this.
  No 4 addition that proects the citizen from crime
  This recommendation goes for all the sessions
  Message around transform, not just reform. Look at alternative models. Language CoF people us needs to be accessible, understandable, clear and meaningful.
  language is very bad and sometimes quite weak
  number 4: develop rather than support
  The word 'citizen' is problematic in Ireland
  number 1: replace enhance with ensure
  add to 3rd bullet:to proactively outreach to groups that are not organised; bullet 2 & 3 should run in parallel
  Two people abstained becaquse the proposals were too vague. The proposals were not radical enough rergarding the extent of necessayr electoral and dail reform.: Free vote in the Dail on all issue - that is removal of the whip; end corporate donactions a
  We feel that the other two options are too vague and can be interpreted in too broad a manner, so we have declined to vote on them.
  Our table supports the sentiment of many of the points but does not feel able to priortiise as it stands. We think that there should be a single statement on univesral (single-tier) access to quality public services responding to needs of people.
  need to have more information as to what is ment as individualised social welfare
  we need to name disability women imigrants travellers etc
  Make serving the public the goal of public service. More investment in parks & community centers. More disability access in urban planning based on universal design principles. Minister for people with disabilies (Vote for Tom Chambers, in Mayo!).
  We felt the options are not comparing like with like because Efficiency etc and Universalism were higher level objectives versus practical points
  Investment in universal services requires extra resources
  ensure that private services (health, education) are entirely funded through the private system and not publicly funded
  examination of the influence of religious institutions in public life
  Choice number 5 comment- eqaulity of outcome is v important
  Empower people through a modern basic income system
  Trying to piroritise these proved to be really difficult
  group found it hard to prioritise as feel all are required
  what does right to safe communities mean?
  Remove the word 'efficiency' - it's too associated with job cuts
  This systen emulates the current government approach of pitting essential services against each other in a battle for essential funds. The question should be perhaphs how can we ensure that all essential services get adequate funds.
  number 1: edit to include developmental youth services
  our first and second choices were tied in the group and there was no clear preference
  Policies to underpin human (artistic, cultural, creative, spiritual) aspects rather than just the market
Other 142 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  Additional value: compassion
  Common Good rather than individual rights
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Inclusion, Culture, Creativity, Truth, Common Good, Rights not Needs.
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  honesty, self awareness, balance, diversity, connection
  Diversity Integrity Fairness
  Safety, Understanding, Creativity, Vision, Empathy, Life Security, Support, Treedom
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  to value culture, arts and creativity as part of our heritage
  awareness (ecological considered so fundamental but not reflected as a value)
  public conversation/discourse/creativity/transparency
  Collective action
  We collapsed last bullet point into our first priority, so we did not vote for it separately
  Some people at this table were unhappy with the listing process as they felt were too confined by it and disappointed that discussion couldnt be broader. Some issues were not voted on due to concerns about wording interpretations and meanings.
  people shoi
  people shoi
  people shoi
  create opportunites to be involved in projects which allow participants to prcess and learn from what is going on - to lead to transformation
  how to turn irish people into mass participnts inme
  There is no vaue here that would promote our creative work, our worth
  care, Human and enviromental biodiversity, critcal awareness of gender. knowlwdge based society, stewardship
  Service, Leadership, Charter of Responsibility
  Economic soverignty
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  we want to say that all of these are importnat to be worked on
  Enact Agenda 21
  All of the objectives are interdependent and can't be implemented independently
  Strategic partnerhsip/exchange of ideas with other countries
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
  The vision should lead ec onomy, economy should not lead vision
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  energy security, stop bank bailout
  Model of development choice is too weak - need to move beyond aspiration towards guarantee
  Measure of progress - increase/decrease organinc matter content of soil
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  The language is dreadful and the ideas are too complex
  Change the word "cap" to "reduce" in priority 4. Focus on the talent that is in Ireland
  equality/gender proofing economic policies
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Education curriculum linked to the ablove policies
  Would have liked to have chosen bullet points 1 and 3 as a joint 1st choice
  Put in economic security for the people in the first one please
  Not voting on 3 and 4 due to how prioirites are phrased and sense that the problem cannot be solved in the saqme way they have been created
  Its a pity they wernt put into themes rather than specific proposals
  Belief in a meritocracy is flawed - need a radical restructuring
  Unions to negotiate on behalf of everyone - Need democratic structures in work place - Maximum wage to include all benefits, shares and expenses - Minimum standard of living for all - Policy choice with regard to tax take needs to go further - Communities
  Change 'EU average' to 'Nordic average' in bullet point 3
  Thirty five hour week as standard without loss of pay
  there should be clear link between taxation and services
  Reject the cutbacks
  An increqase in the overall tax take to the Eu average and broadening of the tax base should only happen if there is a dramatic and significant change in the Social Welfare, Education and Health System.
  we want to say that 2 and 3 need to be hand in hand in practice.
  There was a lot of debate about setting 1st and 2nd priorities - in the end a majority of 5/3 chose our first priority
  Not all members of the table wanted to vote as they believed that the options were insipid and weak and none had the ability to transform society.
  change electoral voting system
  need to ensure policies do not negatively impact on other economies in developing world in particular should support these economies
  transform unemployment benefit into social employment payment
  Focus on community based economies
  Leadership needs to show what needs to be done e.g trade unions
  no consensus
  improve collective bargining rights for working people.
  prioritise jobs not just in the green/social economy
  Consensus on numbers 3 and 4 was quite difficult as it was felt the statement on increasing overall tax take need further clarity and definition.
  reform co-operative law and increase profit sharing, extended to the community
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  Stae expenditure needs to be considered as part of this
  We do not like the wording of Prioritise high levesl of decent employment and think that the words decent and green/socila economy should be deleted. We also would like to end the recognise and reward statement to delet from care work to shared more equal
  Kennedy: we must never fear to negotiate but we must never negotiate though fear.
  remove meaningfull to become all work number 4
  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
  Meritocracy based approach has to shift
  one view expressed a table was that these five points are very aspirational but lacking practical effectiveness
  Re increasing the overall tax take -dont use the term tax base but use instead tax range. There is an absence in this list of the value of self actualisation and creativity.
  Add QUOTE industrial democracy and corproate governance policies ENDNDQUOTE to QUOTE wage tax and income policies ENDQUOTE ALSO referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth ALSO all five points need analysis and explanation to open the p
  referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth
  all five points need analysis and explanation to open them up and make them understood
  not mass consumers
  collective bargaining should be in economic policy section
  organisational democracy in the workplace- people have a financial say as well as a 'say' in the running of the complany- they are stakeholders
  We need the definitions, the aims and the methods to all work together
  Mass protest next
  point 4 change develop to assure point 5 substiture support with implement (Gender and Class) global role our rights and responsibilities
  Corruption needs to be added to the list
  Expectation that action has to happen soon - or movement will fail
  End the unseen influence of the Irish elite looking after itself
  the decision on choices was made despite sustained objection
  active citizenship is very important
  Look at Zapatistmo model for a more 'delegative' and non-pay (in kind) system - potential in this.
  No 4 addition that proects the citizen from crime
  This recommendation goes for all the sessions
  Message around transform, not just reform. Look at alternative models. Language CoF people us needs to be accessible, understandable, clear and meaningful.
  language is very bad and sometimes quite weak
  number 4: develop rather than support
  The word 'citizen' is problematic in Ireland
  number 1: replace enhance with ensure
  add to 3rd bullet:to proactively outreach to groups that are not organised; bullet 2 & 3 should run in parallel
  Two people abstained becaquse the proposals were too vague. The proposals were not radical enough rergarding the extent of necessayr electoral and dail reform.: Free vote in the Dail on all issue - that is removal of the whip; end corporate donactions a
  We feel that the other two options are too vague and can be interpreted in too broad a manner, so we have declined to vote on them.
  Our table supports the sentiment of many of the points but does not feel able to priortiise as it stands. We think that there should be a single statement on univesral (single-tier) access to quality public services responding to needs of people.
  need to have more information as to what is ment as individualised social welfare
  we need to name disability women imigrants travellers etc
  Make serving the public the goal of public service. More investment in parks & community centers. More disability access in urban planning based on universal design principles. Minister for people with disabilies (Vote for Tom Chambers, in Mayo!).
  We felt the options are not comparing like with like because Efficiency etc and Universalism were higher level objectives versus practical points
  Investment in universal services requires extra resources
  ensure that private services (health, education) are entirely funded through the private system and not publicly funded
  examination of the influence of religious institutions in public life
  Choice number 5 comment- eqaulity of outcome is v important
  Empower people through a modern basic income system
  Trying to piroritise these proved to be really difficult
  group found it hard to prioritise as feel all are required
  what does right to safe communities mean?
  Remove the word 'efficiency' - it's too associated with job cuts
  This systen emulates the current government approach of pitting essential services against each other in a battle for essential funds. The question should be perhaphs how can we ensure that all essential services get adequate funds.
  number 1: edit to include developmental youth services
  our first and second choices were tied in the group and there was no clear preference
  Policies to underpin human (artistic, cultural, creative, spiritual) aspects rather than just the market
Other 142 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  Additional value: compassion
  Common Good rather than individual rights
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Inclusion, Culture, Creativity, Truth, Common Good, Rights not Needs.
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  honesty, self awareness, balance, diversity, connection
  Diversity Integrity Fairness
  Safety, Understanding, Creativity, Vision, Empathy, Life Security, Support, Treedom
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  to value culture, arts and creativity as part of our heritage
  awareness (ecological considered so fundamental but not reflected as a value)
  public conversation/discourse/creativity/transparency
  Collective action
  We collapsed last bullet point into our first priority, so we did not vote for it separately
  Some people at this table were unhappy with the listing process as they felt were too confined by it and disappointed that discussion couldnt be broader. Some issues were not voted on due to concerns about wording interpretations and meanings.
  people shoi
  people shoi
  people shoi
  create opportunites to be involved in projects which allow participants to prcess and learn from what is going on - to lead to transformation
  how to turn irish people into mass participnts inme
  There is no vaue here that would promote our creative work, our worth
  care, Human and enviromental biodiversity, critcal awareness of gender. knowlwdge based society, stewardship
  Service, Leadership, Charter of Responsibility
  Economic soverignty
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  we want to say that all of these are importnat to be worked on
  Enact Agenda 21
  All of the objectives are interdependent and can't be implemented independently
  Strategic partnerhsip/exchange of ideas with other countries
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
  The vision should lead ec onomy, economy should not lead vision
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  energy security, stop bank bailout
  Model of development choice is too weak - need to move beyond aspiration towards guarantee
  Measure of progress - increase/decrease organinc matter content of soil
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  The language is dreadful and the ideas are too complex
  Change the word "cap" to "reduce" in priority 4. Focus on the talent that is in Ireland
  equality/gender proofing economic policies
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Education curriculum linked to the ablove policies
  Would have liked to have chosen bullet points 1 and 3 as a joint 1st choice
  Put in economic security for the people in the first one please
  Not voting on 3 and 4 due to how prioirites are phrased and sense that the problem cannot be solved in the saqme way they have been created
  Its a pity they wernt put into themes rather than specific proposals
  Belief in a meritocracy is flawed - need a radical restructuring
  Unions to negotiate on behalf of everyone - Need democratic structures in work place - Maximum wage to include all benefits, shares and expenses - Minimum standard of living for all - Policy choice with regard to tax take needs to go further - Communities
  Change 'EU average' to 'Nordic average' in bullet point 3
  Thirty five hour week as standard without loss of pay
  there should be clear link between taxation and services
  Reject the cutbacks
  An increqase in the overall tax take to the Eu average and broadening of the tax base should only happen if there is a dramatic and significant change in the Social Welfare, Education and Health System.
  we want to say that 2 and 3 need to be hand in hand in practice.
  There was a lot of debate about setting 1st and 2nd priorities - in the end a majority of 5/3 chose our first priority
  Not all members of the table wanted to vote as they believed that the options were insipid and weak and none had the ability to transform society.
  change electoral voting system
  need to ensure policies do not negatively impact on other economies in developing world in particular should support these economies
  transform unemployment benefit into social employment payment
  Focus on community based economies
  Leadership needs to show what needs to be done e.g trade unions
  no consensus
  improve collective bargining rights for working people.
  prioritise jobs not just in the green/social economy
  Consensus on numbers 3 and 4 was quite difficult as it was felt the statement on increasing overall tax take need further clarity and definition.
  reform co-operative law and increase profit sharing, extended to the community
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  Stae expenditure needs to be considered as part of this
  We do not like the wording of Prioritise high levesl of decent employment and think that the words decent and green/socila economy should be deleted. We also would like to end the recognise and reward statement to delet from care work to shared more equal
  Kennedy: we must never fear to negotiate but we must never negotiate though fear.
  remove meaningfull to become all work number 4
  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
  Meritocracy based approach has to shift
  one view expressed a table was that these five points are very aspirational but lacking practical effectiveness
  Re increasing the overall tax take -dont use the term tax base but use instead tax range. There is an absence in this list of the value of self actualisation and creativity.
  Add QUOTE industrial democracy and corproate governance policies ENDNDQUOTE to QUOTE wage tax and income policies ENDQUOTE ALSO referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth ALSO all five points need analysis and explanation to open the p
  referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth
  all five points need analysis and explanation to open them up and make them understood
  not mass consumers
  collective bargaining should be in economic policy section
  organisational democracy in the workplace- people have a financial say as well as a 'say' in the running of the complany- they are stakeholders
  We need the definitions, the aims and the methods to all work together
  Mass protest next
  point 4 change develop to assure point 5 substiture support with implement (Gender and Class) global role our rights and responsibilities
  Corruption needs to be added to the list
  Expectation that action has to happen soon - or movement will fail
  End the unseen influence of the Irish elite looking after itself
  the decision on choices was made despite sustained objection
  active citizenship is very important
  Look at Zapatistmo model for a more 'delegative' and non-pay (in kind) system - potential in this.
  No 4 addition that proects the citizen from crime
  This recommendation goes for all the sessions
  Message around transform, not just reform. Look at alternative models. Language CoF people us needs to be accessible, understandable, clear and meaningful.
  language is very bad and sometimes quite weak
  number 4: develop rather than support
  The word 'citizen' is problematic in Ireland
  number 1: replace enhance with ensure
  add to 3rd bullet:to proactively outreach to groups that are not organised; bullet 2 & 3 should run in parallel
  Two people abstained becaquse the proposals were too vague. The proposals were not radical enough rergarding the extent of necessayr electoral and dail reform.: Free vote in the Dail on all issue - that is removal of the whip; end corporate donactions a
  We feel that the other two options are too vague and can be interpreted in too broad a manner, so we have declined to vote on them.
  Our table supports the sentiment of many of the points but does not feel able to priortiise as it stands. We think that there should be a single statement on univesral (single-tier) access to quality public services responding to needs of people.
  need to have more information as to what is ment as individualised social welfare
  we need to name disability women imigrants travellers etc
  Make serving the public the goal of public service. More investment in parks & community centers. More disability access in urban planning based on universal design principles. Minister for people with disabilies (Vote for Tom Chambers, in Mayo!).
  We felt the options are not comparing like with like because Efficiency etc and Universalism were higher level objectives versus practical points
  Investment in universal services requires extra resources
  ensure that private services (health, education) are entirely funded through the private system and not publicly funded
  examination of the influence of religious institutions in public life
  Choice number 5 comment- eqaulity of outcome is v important
  Empower people through a modern basic income system
  Trying to piroritise these proved to be really difficult
  group found it hard to prioritise as feel all are required
  what does right to safe communities mean?
  Remove the word 'efficiency' - it's too associated with job cuts
  This systen emulates the current government approach of pitting essential services against each other in a battle for essential funds. The question should be perhaphs how can we ensure that all essential services get adequate funds.
  number 1: edit to include developmental youth services
  our first and second choices were tied in the group and there was no clear preference
  Policies to underpin human (artistic, cultural, creative, spiritual) aspects rather than just the market
Other 142 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  Additional value: compassion
  Common Good rather than individual rights
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Inclusion, Culture, Creativity, Truth, Common Good, Rights not Needs.
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  honesty, self awareness, balance, diversity, connection
  Diversity Integrity Fairness
  Safety, Understanding, Creativity, Vision, Empathy, Life Security, Support, Treedom
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  to value culture, arts and creativity as part of our heritage
  awareness (ecological considered so fundamental but not reflected as a value)
  public conversation/discourse/creativity/transparency
  Collective action
  We collapsed last bullet point into our first priority, so we did not vote for it separately
  Some people at this table were unhappy with the listing process as they felt were too confined by it and disappointed that discussion couldnt be broader. Some issues were not voted on due to concerns about wording interpretations and meanings.
  people shoi
  people shoi
  people shoi
  create opportunites to be involved in projects which allow participants to prcess and learn from what is going on - to lead to transformation
  how to turn irish people into mass participnts inme
  There is no vaue here that would promote our creative work, our worth
  care, Human and enviromental biodiversity, critcal awareness of gender. knowlwdge based society, stewardship
  Service, Leadership, Charter of Responsibility
  Economic soverignty
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  we want to say that all of these are importnat to be worked on
  Enact Agenda 21
  All of the objectives are interdependent and can't be implemented independently
  Strategic partnerhsip/exchange of ideas with other countries
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
  The vision should lead ec onomy, economy should not lead vision
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  energy security, stop bank bailout
  Model of development choice is too weak - need to move beyond aspiration towards guarantee
  Measure of progress - increase/decrease organinc matter content of soil
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  The language is dreadful and the ideas are too complex
  Change the word "cap" to "reduce" in priority 4. Focus on the talent that is in Ireland
  equality/gender proofing economic policies
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Education curriculum linked to the ablove policies
  Would have liked to have chosen bullet points 1 and 3 as a joint 1st choice
  Put in economic security for the people in the first one please
  Not voting on 3 and 4 due to how prioirites are phrased and sense that the problem cannot be solved in the saqme way they have been created
  Its a pity they wernt put into themes rather than specific proposals
  Belief in a meritocracy is flawed - need a radical restructuring
  Unions to negotiate on behalf of everyone - Need democratic structures in work place - Maximum wage to include all benefits, shares and expenses - Minimum standard of living for all - Policy choice with regard to tax take needs to go further - Communities
  Change 'EU average' to 'Nordic average' in bullet point 3
  Thirty five hour week as standard without loss of pay
  there should be clear link between taxation and services
  Reject the cutbacks
  An increqase in the overall tax take to the Eu average and broadening of the tax base should only happen if there is a dramatic and significant change in the Social Welfare, Education and Health System.
  we want to say that 2 and 3 need to be hand in hand in practice.
  There was a lot of debate about setting 1st and 2nd priorities - in the end a majority of 5/3 chose our first priority
  Not all members of the table wanted to vote as they believed that the options were insipid and weak and none had the ability to transform society.
  change electoral voting system
  need to ensure policies do not negatively impact on other economies in developing world in particular should support these economies
  transform unemployment benefit into social employment payment
  Focus on community based economies
  Leadership needs to show what needs to be done e.g trade unions
  no consensus
  improve collective bargining rights for working people.
  prioritise jobs not just in the green/social economy
  Consensus on numbers 3 and 4 was quite difficult as it was felt the statement on increasing overall tax take need further clarity and definition.
  reform co-operative law and increase profit sharing, extended to the community
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  Stae expenditure needs to be considered as part of this
  We do not like the wording of Prioritise high levesl of decent employment and think that the words decent and green/socila economy should be deleted. We also would like to end the recognise and reward statement to delet from care work to shared more equal
  Kennedy: we must never fear to negotiate but we must never negotiate though fear.
  remove meaningfull to become all work number 4
  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
  Meritocracy based approach has to shift
  one view expressed a table was that these five points are very aspirational but lacking practical effectiveness
  Re increasing the overall tax take -dont use the term tax base but use instead tax range. There is an absence in this list of the value of self actualisation and creativity.
  Add QUOTE industrial democracy and corproate governance policies ENDNDQUOTE to QUOTE wage tax and income policies ENDQUOTE ALSO referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth ALSO all five points need analysis and explanation to open the p
  referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth
  all five points need analysis and explanation to open them up and make them understood
  not mass consumers
  collective bargaining should be in economic policy section
  organisational democracy in the workplace- people have a financial say as well as a 'say' in the running of the complany- they are stakeholders
  We need the definitions, the aims and the methods to all work together
  Mass protest next
  point 4 change develop to assure point 5 substiture support with implement (Gender and Class) global role our rights and responsibilities
  Corruption needs to be added to the list
  Expectation that action has to happen soon - or movement will fail
  End the unseen influence of the Irish elite looking after itself
  the decision on choices was made despite sustained objection
  active citizenship is very important
  Look at Zapatistmo model for a more 'delegative' and non-pay (in kind) system - potential in this.
  No 4 addition that proects the citizen from crime
  This recommendation goes for all the sessions
  Message around transform, not just reform. Look at alternative models. Language CoF people us needs to be accessible, understandable, clear and meaningful.
  language is very bad and sometimes quite weak
  number 4: develop rather than support
  The word 'citizen' is problematic in Ireland
  number 1: replace enhance with ensure
  add to 3rd bullet:to proactively outreach to groups that are not organised; bullet 2 & 3 should run in parallel
  Two people abstained becaquse the proposals were too vague. The proposals were not radical enough rergarding the extent of necessayr electoral and dail reform.: Free vote in the Dail on all issue - that is removal of the whip; end corporate donactions a
  We feel that the other two options are too vague and can be interpreted in too broad a manner, so we have declined to vote on them.
  Our table supports the sentiment of many of the points but does not feel able to priortiise as it stands. We think that there should be a single statement on univesral (single-tier) access to quality public services responding to needs of people.
  need to have more information as to what is ment as individualised social welfare
  we need to name disability women imigrants travellers etc
  Make serving the public the goal of public service. More investment in parks & community centers. More disability access in urban planning based on universal design principles. Minister for people with disabilies (Vote for Tom Chambers, in Mayo!).
  We felt the options are not comparing like with like because Efficiency etc and Universalism were higher level objectives versus practical points
  Investment in universal services requires extra resources
  ensure that private services (health, education) are entirely funded through the private system and not publicly funded
  examination of the influence of religious institutions in public life
  Choice number 5 comment- eqaulity of outcome is v important
  Empower people through a modern basic income system
  Trying to piroritise these proved to be really difficult
  group found it hard to prioritise as feel all are required
  what does right to safe communities mean?
  Remove the word 'efficiency' - it's too associated with job cuts
  This systen emulates the current government approach of pitting essential services against each other in a battle for essential funds. The question should be perhaphs how can we ensure that all essential services get adequate funds.
  number 1: edit to include developmental youth services
  our first and second choices were tied in the group and there was no clear preference
  Policies to underpin human (artistic, cultural, creative, spiritual) aspects rather than just the market
Other 142 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  Additional value: compassion
  Common Good rather than individual rights
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Inclusion, Culture, Creativity, Truth, Common Good, Rights not Needs.
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  honesty, self awareness, balance, diversity, connection
  Diversity Integrity Fairness
  Safety, Understanding, Creativity, Vision, Empathy, Life Security, Support, Treedom
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  to value culture, arts and creativity as part of our heritage
  awareness (ecological considered so fundamental but not reflected as a value)
  public conversation/discourse/creativity/transparency
  Collective action
  We collapsed last bullet point into our first priority, so we did not vote for it separately
  Some people at this table were unhappy with the listing process as they felt were too confined by it and disappointed that discussion couldnt be broader. Some issues were not voted on due to concerns about wording interpretations and meanings.
  people shoi
  people shoi
  people shoi
  create opportunites to be involved in projects which allow participants to prcess and learn from what is going on - to lead to transformation
  how to turn irish people into mass participnts inme
  There is no vaue here that would promote our creative work, our worth
  care, Human and enviromental biodiversity, critcal awareness of gender. knowlwdge based society, stewardship
  Service, Leadership, Charter of Responsibility
  Economic soverignty
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  we want to say that all of these are importnat to be worked on
  Enact Agenda 21
  All of the objectives are interdependent and can't be implemented independently
  Strategic partnerhsip/exchange of ideas with other countries
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
  The vision should lead ec onomy, economy should not lead vision
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  energy security, stop bank bailout
  Model of development choice is too weak - need to move beyond aspiration towards guarantee
  Measure of progress - increase/decrease organinc matter content of soil
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  The language is dreadful and the ideas are too complex
  Change the word "cap" to "reduce" in priority 4. Focus on the talent that is in Ireland
  equality/gender proofing economic policies
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Education curriculum linked to the ablove policies
  Would have liked to have chosen bullet points 1 and 3 as a joint 1st choice
  Put in economic security for the people in the first one please
  Not voting on 3 and 4 due to how prioirites are phrased and sense that the problem cannot be solved in the saqme way they have been created
  Its a pity they wernt put into themes rather than specific proposals
  Belief in a meritocracy is flawed - need a radical restructuring
  Unions to negotiate on behalf of everyone - Need democratic structures in work place - Maximum wage to include all benefits, shares and expenses - Minimum standard of living for all - Policy choice with regard to tax take needs to go further - Communities
  Change 'EU average' to 'Nordic average' in bullet point 3
  Thirty five hour week as standard without loss of pay
  there should be clear link between taxation and services
  Reject the cutbacks
  An increqase in the overall tax take to the Eu average and broadening of the tax base should only happen if there is a dramatic and significant change in the Social Welfare, Education and Health System.
  we want to say that 2 and 3 need to be hand in hand in practice.
  There was a lot of debate about setting 1st and 2nd priorities - in the end a majority of 5/3 chose our first priority
  Not all members of the table wanted to vote as they believed that the options were insipid and weak and none had the ability to transform society.
  change electoral voting system
  need to ensure policies do not negatively impact on other economies in developing world in particular should support these economies
  transform unemployment benefit into social employment payment
  Focus on community based economies
  Leadership needs to show what needs to be done e.g trade unions
  no consensus
  improve collective bargining rights for working people.
  prioritise jobs not just in the green/social economy
  Consensus on numbers 3 and 4 was quite difficult as it was felt the statement on increasing overall tax take need further clarity and definition.
  reform co-operative law and increase profit sharing, extended to the community
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  Stae expenditure needs to be considered as part of this
  We do not like the wording of Prioritise high levesl of decent employment and think that the words decent and green/socila economy should be deleted. We also would like to end the recognise and reward statement to delet from care work to shared more equal
  Kennedy: we must never fear to negotiate but we must never negotiate though fear.
  remove meaningfull to become all work number 4
  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
  Meritocracy based approach has to shift
  one view expressed a table was that these five points are very aspirational but lacking practical effectiveness
  Re increasing the overall tax take -dont use the term tax base but use instead tax range. There is an absence in this list of the value of self actualisation and creativity.
  Add QUOTE industrial democracy and corproate governance policies ENDNDQUOTE to QUOTE wage tax and income policies ENDQUOTE ALSO referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth ALSO all five points need analysis and explanation to open the p
  referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth
  all five points need analysis and explanation to open them up and make them understood
  not mass consumers
  collective bargaining should be in economic policy section
  organisational democracy in the workplace- people have a financial say as well as a 'say' in the running of the complany- they are stakeholders
  We need the definitions, the aims and the methods to all work together
  Mass protest next
  point 4 change develop to assure point 5 substiture support with implement (Gender and Class) global role our rights and responsibilities
  Corruption needs to be added to the list
  Expectation that action has to happen soon - or movement will fail
  End the unseen influence of the Irish elite looking after itself
  the decision on choices was made despite sustained objection
  active citizenship is very important
  Look at Zapatistmo model for a more 'delegative' and non-pay (in kind) system - potential in this.
  No 4 addition that proects the citizen from crime
  This recommendation goes for all the sessions
  Message around transform, not just reform. Look at alternative models. Language CoF people us needs to be accessible, understandable, clear and meaningful.
  language is very bad and sometimes quite weak
  number 4: develop rather than support
  The word 'citizen' is problematic in Ireland
  number 1: replace enhance with ensure
  add to 3rd bullet:to proactively outreach to groups that are not organised; bullet 2 & 3 should run in parallel
  Two people abstained becaquse the proposals were too vague. The proposals were not radical enough rergarding the extent of necessayr electoral and dail reform.: Free vote in the Dail on all issue - that is removal of the whip; end corporate donactions a
  We feel that the other two options are too vague and can be interpreted in too broad a manner, so we have declined to vote on them.
  Our table supports the sentiment of many of the points but does not feel able to priortiise as it stands. We think that there should be a single statement on univesral (single-tier) access to quality public services responding to needs of people.
  need to have more information as to what is ment as individualised social welfare
  we need to name disability women imigrants travellers etc
  Make serving the public the goal of public service. More investment in parks & community centers. More disability access in urban planning based on universal design principles. Minister for people with disabilies (Vote for Tom Chambers, in Mayo!).
  We felt the options are not comparing like with like because Efficiency etc and Universalism were higher level objectives versus practical points
  Investment in universal services requires extra resources
  ensure that private services (health, education) are entirely funded through the private system and not publicly funded
  examination of the influence of religious institutions in public life
  Choice number 5 comment- eqaulity of outcome is v important
  Empower people through a modern basic income system
  Trying to piroritise these proved to be really difficult
  group found it hard to prioritise as feel all are required
  what does right to safe communities mean?
  Remove the word 'efficiency' - it's too associated with job cuts
  This systen emulates the current government approach of pitting essential services against each other in a battle for essential funds. The question should be perhaphs how can we ensure that all essential services get adequate funds.
  number 1: edit to include developmental youth services
  our first and second choices were tied in the group and there was no clear preference
  Policies to underpin human (artistic, cultural, creative, spiritual) aspects rather than just the market
Other 142 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  Additional value: compassion
  Common Good rather than individual rights
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Inclusion, Culture, Creativity, Truth, Common Good, Rights not Needs.
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  honesty, self awareness, balance, diversity, connection
  Diversity Integrity Fairness
  Safety, Understanding, Creativity, Vision, Empathy, Life Security, Support, Treedom
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  Peace, People Centered Empowerment = Human Dignity, Peace of Mind & Education - pre-school involving parents,
  to value culture, arts and creativity as part of our heritage
  awareness (ecological considered so fundamental but not reflected as a value)
  public conversation/discourse/creativity/transparency
  Collective action
  We collapsed last bullet point into our first priority, so we did not vote for it separately
  Some people at this table were unhappy with the listing process as they felt were too confined by it and disappointed that discussion couldnt be broader. Some issues were not voted on due to concerns about wording interpretations and meanings.
  people shoi
  people shoi
  people shoi
  create opportunites to be involved in projects which allow participants to prcess and learn from what is going on - to lead to transformation
  how to turn irish people into mass participnts inme
  There is no vaue here that would promote our creative work, our worth
  care, Human and enviromental biodiversity, critcal awareness of gender. knowlwdge based society, stewardship
  Service, Leadership, Charter of Responsibility
  Economic soverignty
  The group was not happy to rank or prioritise number 3 and 4 above as majority view was that these are based on current system which needs to change
  we want to say that all of these are importnat to be worked on
  Enact Agenda 21
  All of the objectives are interdependent and can't be implemented independently
  Strategic partnerhsip/exchange of ideas with other countries
  We feel that with respect to proposal 1 that talking about changing the current development model is meaningless without transforming the current economic model
  Foreign Direct Investmen not necessary and should not be specified for indigenous economy
  The vision should lead ec onomy, economy should not lead vision
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  energy security, stop bank bailout
  Model of development choice is too weak - need to move beyond aspiration towards guarantee
  Measure of progress - increase/decrease organinc matter content of soil
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  The language is dreadful and the ideas are too complex
  Change the word "cap" to "reduce" in priority 4. Focus on the talent that is in Ireland
  equality/gender proofing economic policies
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Education curriculum linked to the ablove policies
  Would have liked to have chosen bullet points 1 and 3 as a joint 1st choice
  Put in economic security for the people in the first one please
  Not voting on 3 and 4 due to how prioirites are phrased and sense that the problem cannot be solved in the saqme way they have been created
  Its a pity they wernt put into themes rather than specific proposals
  Belief in a meritocracy is flawed - need a radical restructuring
  Unions to negotiate on behalf of everyone - Need democratic structures in work place - Maximum wage to include all benefits, shares and expenses - Minimum standard of living for all - Policy choice with regard to tax take needs to go further - Communities
  Change 'EU average' to 'Nordic average' in bullet point 3
  Thirty five hour week as standard without loss of pay
  there should be clear link between taxation and services
  Reject the cutbacks
  An increqase in the overall tax take to the Eu average and broadening of the tax base should only happen if there is a dramatic and significant change in the Social Welfare, Education and Health System.
  we want to say that 2 and 3 need to be hand in hand in practice.
  There was a lot of debate about setting 1st and 2nd priorities - in the end a majority of 5/3 chose our first priority
  Not all members of the table wanted to vote as they believed that the options were insipid and weak and none had the ability to transform society.
  change electoral voting system
  need to ensure policies do not negatively impact on other economies in developing world in particular should support these economies
  transform unemployment benefit into social employment payment
  Focus on community based economies
  Leadership needs to show what needs to be done e.g trade unions
  no consensus
  improve collective bargining rights for working people.
  prioritise jobs not just in the green/social economy
  Consensus on numbers 3 and 4 was quite difficult as it was felt the statement on increasing overall tax take need further clarity and definition.
  reform co-operative law and increase profit sharing, extended to the community
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  Stae expenditure needs to be considered as part of this
  We do not like the wording of Prioritise high levesl of decent employment and think that the words decent and green/socila economy should be deleted. We also would like to end the recognise and reward statement to delet from care work to shared more equal
  Kennedy: we must never fear to negotiate but we must never negotiate though fear.
  remove meaningfull to become all work number 4
  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
  Meritocracy based approach has to shift
  one view expressed a table was that these five points are very aspirational but lacking practical effectiveness
  Re increasing the overall tax take -dont use the term tax base but use instead tax range. There is an absence in this list of the value of self actualisation and creativity.
  Add QUOTE industrial democracy and corproate governance policies ENDNDQUOTE to QUOTE wage tax and income policies ENDQUOTE ALSO referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth ALSO all five points need analysis and explanation to open the p
  referenece to care work is just tagged on and needs more teeth
  all five points need analysis and explanation to open them up and make them understood
  not mass consumers
  collective bargaining should be in economic policy section
  organisational democracy in the workplace- people have a financial say as well as a 'say' in the running of the complany- they are stakeholders
  We need the definitions, the aims and the methods to all work together
  Mass protest next
  point 4 change develop to assure point 5 substiture support with implement (Gender and Class) global role our rights and responsibilities
  Corruption needs to be added to the list
  Expectation that action has to happen soon - or movement will fail
  End the unseen influence of the Irish elite looking after itself
  the decision on choices was made despite sustained objection
  active citizenship is very important
  Look at Zapatistmo model for a more 'delegative' and non-pay (in kind) system - potential in this.
  No 4 addition that proects the citizen from crime
  This recommendation goes for all the sessions
  Message around transform, not just reform. Look at alternative models. Language CoF people us needs to be accessible, understandable, clear and meaningful.
  language is very bad and sometimes quite weak
  number 4: develop rather than support
  The word 'citizen' is problematic in Ireland
  number 1: replace enhance with ensure
  add to 3rd bullet:to proactively outreach to groups that are not organised; bullet 2 & 3 should run in parallel
  Two people abstained becaquse the proposals were too vague. The proposals were not radical enough rergarding the extent of necessayr electoral and dail reform.: Free vote in the Dail on all issue - that is removal of the whip; end corporate donactions a
  We feel that the other two options are too vague and can be interpreted in too broad a manner, so we have declined to vote on them.
  Our table supports the sentiment of many of the points but does not feel able to priortiise as it stands. We think that there should be a single statement on univesral (single-tier) access to quality public services responding to needs of people.
  need to have more information as to what is ment as individualised social welfare
  we need to name disability women imigrants travellers etc
  Make serving the public the goal of public service. More investment in parks & community centers. More disability access in urban planning based on universal design principles. Minister for people with disabilies (Vote for Tom Chambers, in Mayo!).
  We felt the options are not comparing like with like because Efficiency etc and Universalism were higher level objectives versus practical points
  Investment in universal services requires extra resources
  ensure that private services (health, education) are entirely funded through the private system and not publicly funded
  examination of the influence of religious institutions in public life
  Choice number 5 comment- eqaulity of outcome is v important
  Empower people through a modern basic income system
  Trying to piroritise these proved to be really difficult
  group found it hard to prioritise as feel all are required
  what does right to safe communities mean?
  Remove the word 'efficiency' - it's too associated with job cuts
  This systen emulates the current government approach of pitting essential services against each other in a battle for essential funds. The question should be perhaphs how can we ensure that all essential services get adequate funds.
  number 1: edit to include developmental youth services
  our first and second choices were tied in the group and there was no clear preference
  Policies to underpin human (artistic, cultural, creative, spiritual) aspects rather than just the market
Outreach other Groups 64 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Organise a Claiming Our Future event for 15 to 25 year olds organised by and for 15 to 25 year olds
  actively reach and engage the irish diaspora abroad
  mobilise youth sector
  build more alliances across civil societies ; encourage groups to use COF logo on their events
  Outreach actions to youth and immmigrant communities
  Link up with the active citizenship campaign
  Build strcuture in communities trade unions etc inclusive of imimgrant population travellers children and young people
  Continuing outreach - e.g. target youth. immigrant communities, non university educated etc., aware of transport
  Develop greater grassroots buy in by linking with other groups and sectors. Examples young people and students newsletters also festivals including music festivals. Irish countrywomens Association MAcra na Feirme getting information into their newsletters
  mobilise peope in communities through use of community education methods /activecitzenship education to beome aprt of movement ; use their vote strategically
  Engaging with the education system e.g transition year, opportunities within the curriculum etc.
  unite different campaigning groups, trade unions under same 10 messages of CoF
  COF to provide a networking role to facilitate organisations large and small to meet share information etc
  Tap into existing networks e.g. tidy towns, GAA
  Put people in touch with each other and hold regional meetings to build movement
  work through existing community structures to get the message out and use well idenitified local issues to mobilise
  Work with structurs we have and join and support political parites that endorse our manifesto
  support other initiatives sharing the values- eg November 10th community march
  mobilse people to take part in a public demonstration in december -one possibility is 10th demo already planned called radical of community defiance
  To continue to build alliances.
  use of existing forums, eg community forums in each county. get c our f put on the agenda. use existing structures
  Focus on changing the development model via (a) access to the media, (b) calling on the greens to pull out of government, (c) attracting more young people and (d) attracting more people from outside Dublin
  Quotas e.g. women, disability, minorities e.g. Travellers, social class e.g. working class communities
  Promote Claiming our Future agreed Values with like-minded organisations / individuals, e.g. 'Become a Friend' on Facebook, or link in with local organisations
  Media campaign. Local mobilisation access inclusion diversity and young people
  similiar event for youth
  access groups eg youth groups and older persons groups and parent toddler groups
  Organise workplace, local and Regional Assemblies to develop plans of action
  Engage and link with people locally through media, clubs, local forums
  Develop the online component of the campaign - have competitions in schools, universities, work places, community organisations, trade unions etc to build momentum
  Reach out to people who are not in civil society organisations
  Building support at grassroots level - a grass roots movement is a pre requisite - Town Hall Meetings, use technology to publicise and promote. Target sectors- young people, older people, migrants etc - all ned to be included.
  Look to societies where ideas have worked - e.g. Latin America
  Make an EU link tag into Spring Alliance
  Let people under 25 know that they have a voice, and connect them to government issues. Use modern mediums - social media, blogs, etc. Use plain english to describe policies so people - not only young people - can access them. Use creative means for getti
  a 'Green Schools' scheme to engage young people at primary school level
  Link activities within our unions to wider activities of Claiming Our Future
  Analyse who is not here today, who is missing and map actions to engage them eg youth, unemployed
  guest speakers from C our F in Secondary schools
  We need to raise awareness about the alternative agenda at all levels - at local community level, Trade Unions, youth orgs etc
  Engage more with businesses and increase momentum within schools and universities.
  Reach out to other organisations - build a network
  organise another event such as this to include a more diverse grouping such as young people, migrants and people with less edcuation
  Dev and education pack for schools
  bring the ideas from today's event into out own areas of activism
  Devise ways to engage the unemployed in a social movement which will reflect their interests, short term and long term
  4. adjust and inform from the young people up, towards educating and cultivating thier energy to promote change
  Encourage and facilitate the participation of women in all areas of public life - especially our own movement
  Ensure direct and unmediated participation for people from those groups who are being systematically marginalised
  Have a 'Reach the Pissed Off People' campaign - through popular media - facebook, twitter etc to bring them into the movement - put a positive spin on it that there are ways to change this but not use policy talk language, make is accessible
  children's parliament - active citizenship as core element of schooling (7 to 10 years)
  Start an awareness raising campaign that asserts that the WE is all of us transcending the following boundaries national gender generational religious public private rural and urban
  Organise events similar to today around the country and in the various organisations
  Building alliances between all working people to strengthen and reclaim the Trade Union movement as a strong social and political movement concerned with equality, human rights and the environment
  Build fraternal and solidarity links with other like minded european organisations
  Develop civics and ethical education that enables young people to develop problem based learning approaches, dialogue and to engage with the local community
  That all schools clubs and organisations who deal with children would formulate policies to promote active participatory democracy within its structures
  promote the idea of a coherent campaign composed of diverse elements including grassroots organisations and individual concerned citizens
  Link activities within our unions to wider activities of Claiming Our Future
  As part of the follow up from today we have a responsibility to invole citizens and cso's in developing a detailed tax justice policy
  Facilitate cross-sectoral workshops/activity among the participants so that a broader understanding and awareness of differenent sectoral issues and imperatives can influence COFs priorities appropriately
  open and increase the dialogue with wider society around our values and priorities through grassroots meetings actions as well as national
  Using creative means to get our point across e.g. tidy towns, to build solidarity
Pension Fund 5 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Disagree with dipping into pension fund
  Pension reserve should not be an option for expenditure
  we also said that we dont want the pension reserves used by the current government set up (ie either ff or fg led government) because we dont trust them with this precious reserve as governemnet is currently set up in ireland
  Utilise 'reserve pension fund' only as a last resort and under a transparent framework
Policy Ideas 78 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Dail reform advocate 2 elected reps per county first past post to cut cut out clientelism
  Developing processes on theme of sustainble living
  A primer explaining all these complex economic issues in simple language up on the website
  COF to fight against the bias in society that blocks people from having high expectations for themselves. People should be encourage to aim high for themselves. Professions should be aspirations of all children not just select schools.
  Link up with the active citizenship campaign
  Repliate the "singing revolution" from Estonia and Finland. see www.singingrevolution.com
  Demand to end bank bailout
  Instill a sense of pride in our community and society
  Pick a single objective, mobilise arround this specific action to achieve change and then move on to next specific action to mobilise for that change
  rural and urban issues will be different
  Mobilise the vote that is inactive.
  transpose the Aarhus agreement into Irish law
  Expose nepotism and corruption
  There should be monetary fines for companies leaving Ireland. The need to sign a clause to insurance employees aren't left in the lurch.
  Keep business in business (welfare to work)
  Critically question the leadership of the Unions on their leadership.
  Establish cooperative enterprises
  Spreading the word about Grameen bank and Muhummad Yunus message about alternative social capitalism
  Gather enough signatures for a petition to change the constitution for reform. This would get us walking the streets, talking to people and getting them on board.
  Look to societies where ideas have worked - e.g. Latin America
  Need to demonstrate mass support for an alternative to the current agenda
  being arrested for non violent direct action should be a civil a offence and not a criminal one
  Campaign for constitutional guarantee for universal health education and housing rights
  have a single word campaign - use equality for example and insist that every (governance) decision is proofed against it.
  stop the sale of our natural resources
  Push for reinstatement of community development budgets
  Create a campaign to take over suitable NAMA ghost estates for those on housing lists and with accomodation needs
  Promote concept on interrelationship between human health and health of the environment
  Prioritise investement in early education and family supports in marginalised communities
  produce an alternative budget (focus of this should be Nov when the estimates come out)
  Equality Education in all schools on today's values outcomes by todays participants with e.g. local Volunteer Centres
  Education - instill a learning culture into people - create a Learning Society as opposed to a Big Society!
  Abolish the two tier tax system
  bring state salaries to 2.5 times average wages (i.e. capped at 80K) within 4 years
  Continuation of GAA funding provided they open their facilities to more people
  Lobby for change and hope to deduce impact of the curren budget
  Community based coop structures to provide food production and distribution systems and energy production and local services
  4. adjust and inform from the young people up, towards educating and cultivating thier energy to promote change
  Workers to take ownership of the unions and equal pay for union organisers
  If this crisis we are in is systemic, we need to openly discuss transition theories and create a space for a different type of vision
  Make better use of school buildings for community groups
  Use major government contracts to ensure that a set percentage of each contract is directed at organisations employing say people with disabilities and/or SMEs and/or unemployment co-ops etc.
  If this crisis we are in is systemic, we need to openly discuss transition theories and create a space for a different type of vision
  Important point from Session 2 a All work should be considered decent - the term is value laden suggest that it is not used. it could be seen to suggest that peoples current work is not decent. Its ok to demand decent employment conditions though.
  Constitutional reform that allows civil society to 'recall the government' when it is not delivering / performing
  skills clearing house
  Some people at this table were unhappy with the listing process as they felt were too confined by it and disappointed that discussion couldnt be broader. Some issues were not voted on due to concerns about wording interpretations and meanings.
  Abolish the two tier tax system. Introduce a third band of taxation for the higher earners; Have a well prepared for General Strick with a lot of positive action. Have everyone go on the minimum wage for one year starting now. Delegate more powers to loc
  Increased regulation of fiscal policy. Transperancy.
  establish local community gardens to grow food as one example of a ways to raise peoples awareness about issues
  Introduce a social health (the health of our society) index benchmarks alongside economic benchmarks
  look for volunteers to develop and cost policy alternatives
  Campaign to abolish apathy - Posters/National bill boards/Radio -
  Develop civics and ethical education that enables young people to develop problem based learning approaches, dialogue and to engage with the local community
  gender quotas to increase the numbers of women in power
  Get this movement into every community, form small citizen groups. Hughly improve Ireland's animal Welfare record.
  Set uo a develoment bank from existing resources in Ireland
  End NAMAs bailing out of banks and developers
  Make it mandatory for big business to reinvest a % of profits in social / community based activities.
  new constitutional crusade on challenging the existing primacy of individual rights (e.g. property, rents, legal fees) in favour of collective rights
  let our banks collapse
  communicate our message in more user friendly, easy to understand terms to a broad audience, without dumbing down
  Active communication campaign - get champions for the cause, popularise ideas, targeted those less political, clear messages
  New constitution / understanding or definition of democracy
  Reclaiming land and buildings for community gardens and housing
  Get outside perspectives on irelands crisis to highlight that not everybody agrees with the austerity agenda
  To change the method of voting for the seanad so that civil society groups vote it in instead of the elitist group that do so know
  Prioritise solutions that cost no money, a little money . a lot of money
  Count Me Out campaign as an example
  Quotas e.g. women, disability, minorities e.g. Travellers, social class e.g. working class communities
  That each person here take personal responsibility for changing one small thing e.g being punctual so that we change our attitudes
  Abolish the Senate and have less TDs
  Review the electoral timeline. Put in place a review process within the term.
  Use today's policy choices as a national household survey
  Use of our islands to try out some ideas in microcosm
  all decision making processes to be participatory, deliberative and inclusive, including the use of rotating roles to ensure democracy
  That all schools clubs and organisations who deal with children would formulate policies to promote active participatory democracy within its structures
  Working groups to address and implement reforms (of Dail, Seanad, education, healthcare, economy etc)
Political Governance 47 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  To change the method of voting for the seanad so that civil society groups vote it in instead of the elitist group that do so know
  Dail reform advocate 2 elected reps per county first past post to cut cut out clientelism
  study to transform the electoral system
  Support concept of cross party "war" cabinet
  national watchdog
  Reform/Reframe Constitution
  Gather enough signatures for a petition to change the constitution for reform. This would get us walking the streets, talking to people and getting them on board.
  Publicly campaign for the monitoring of the activity and records of elected officials and act as an independent monitor and auditor
  declaration from this gathering that there should be an election government no longer has a mandate
  Create mechanisms for citizen involvement in policy making
  Establish a Civil Society Forum
  Idea for a plebecite - organised by Claiming Our Future - to demand an immediate general election
  pressurise the immediate holding of by-elections
  Abolish the Senate and have less TDs
  Review the electoral timeline. Put in place a review process within the term.
  start a petition for the creation of a citizens assembly
  A quotad multiparty (new and existant parties)- a national government.
  Constitutional reform that allows civil society to 'recall the government' when it is not delivering / performing
  Encourage more engagement in the civil society process e.g. we should not hold local elections until local government process is reformed
  Dedicated website including access to detailed tax expenditure by department for open public access
  Working groups to address and implement reforms (of Dail, Seanad, education, healthcare, economy etc)
  Examine Scottish paliament and governance model
  New constitution / understanding or definition of democracy
  1. To capture the interest here through publicity - and these are our messages from this event. 2. to build participatory deliberative democracy structure through local forums - follow the process here. 3. Creating an alternative political structure
  3. Find an appropiate strategy for the access and dissemination of information which empowers citizens to make more informed decisions (e.g. subventions in the fishing indusrty who gets what)
  Separate central and local governance; impose term limits.
  Creative means to have TDs as legislators and councillors to deal with local issues
  re-establishment of strong local government
  Right of irish people to recall under performing politicians
  Develop a model of governance that demonstrates a value of CARE (affective equality)
  need democratic control of public bodies
  End political appointments to all state boards judicary etc
  a clear difference between local politics and national policy /national parliament from a list system / 6-8 regional councils / more consideration of the role of eu in irish policy making / overhaul and reform the seanad / citizens assembly - e.g. brit
  separation of church and state across all sectors including education
  Explore models and conditions for participatory governance. Particularly around methodologies for implementation.
  This table agrees that as a society we must accept responsibility for all our actions in relation to the environment
  Ban Corporate donations and eliminate the Senate
  There is a need for a change in approach to governance across a range of institutions beyond the judiciary and government sectors to embrace for eg civil soceity organisations (including churches) corporate world and education
  Create mechanisms to create robust political structures (eg code of practice for lobbying, strong committee structures, free voting amd recall of deputies, a none of the above option for political candidates when votnig, a right to call a referendum)
  Reterm 'Governance' - Political and Democratic Participation and Education
  Some agreement for gender based quotas in political institutions
  ensure governance reform includes all gov funded orgs such as schools, charities as well as corporate sector
  Address current problems with division between national and local - includes more democracy and power at the local level and ensure TDs are elected with a national and local mandate
  National and local government should be dealt with separately; There needs to be an emphasis on limiting the influence and impact of corporations e.g their impact rhrough donations, lobbying; Should be emphasis on giving some budgetry control to local gov
  Democractic power of recall
  Create a register of the lobbyist, publicly available
  Reform of our Constitution and accompany by a charter of rights
Political Governance 47 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  To change the method of voting for the seanad so that civil society groups vote it in instead of the elitist group that do so know
  Dail reform advocate 2 elected reps per county first past post to cut cut out clientelism
  study to transform the electoral system
  Support concept of cross party "war" cabinet
  national watchdog
  Reform/Reframe Constitution
  Gather enough signatures for a petition to change the constitution for reform. This would get us walking the streets, talking to people and getting them on board.
  Publicly campaign for the monitoring of the activity and records of elected officials and act as an independent monitor and auditor
  declaration from this gathering that there should be an election government no longer has a mandate
  Create mechanisms for citizen involvement in policy making
  Establish a Civil Society Forum
  Idea for a plebecite - organised by Claiming Our Future - to demand an immediate general election
  pressurise the immediate holding of by-elections
  Abolish the Senate and have less TDs
  Review the electoral timeline. Put in place a review process within the term.
  start a petition for the creation of a citizens assembly
  A quotad multiparty (new and existant parties)- a national government.
  Constitutional reform that allows civil society to 'recall the government' when it is not delivering / performing
  Encourage more engagement in the civil society process e.g. we should not hold local elections until local government process is reformed
  Dedicated website including access to detailed tax expenditure by department for open public access
  Working groups to address and implement reforms (of Dail, Seanad, education, healthcare, economy etc)
  Examine Scottish paliament and governance model
  New constitution / understanding or definition of democracy
  1. To capture the interest here through publicity - and these are our messages from this event. 2. to build participatory deliberative democracy structure through local forums - follow the process here. 3. Creating an alternative political structure
  3. Find an appropiate strategy for the access and dissemination of information which empowers citizens to make more informed decisions (e.g. subventions in the fishing indusrty who gets what)
  Separate central and local governance; impose term limits.
  Creative means to have TDs as legislators and councillors to deal with local issues
  re-establishment of strong local government
  Right of irish people to recall under performing politicians
  Develop a model of governance that demonstrates a value of CARE (affective equality)
  need democratic control of public bodies
  End political appointments to all state boards judicary etc
  a clear difference between local politics and national policy /national parliament from a list system / 6-8 regional councils / more consideration of the role of eu in irish policy making / overhaul and reform the seanad / citizens assembly - e.g. brit
  separation of church and state across all sectors including education
  Explore models and conditions for participatory governance. Particularly around methodologies for implementation.
  This table agrees that as a society we must accept responsibility for all our actions in relation to the environment
  Ban Corporate donations and eliminate the Senate
  There is a need for a change in approach to governance across a range of institutions beyond the judiciary and government sectors to embrace for eg civil soceity organisations (including churches) corporate world and education
  Create mechanisms to create robust political structures (eg code of practice for lobbying, strong committee structures, free voting amd recall of deputies, a none of the above option for political candidates when votnig, a right to call a referendum)
  Reterm 'Governance' - Political and Democratic Participation and Education
  Some agreement for gender based quotas in political institutions
  ensure governance reform includes all gov funded orgs such as schools, charities as well as corporate sector
  Address current problems with division between national and local - includes more democracy and power at the local level and ensure TDs are elected with a national and local mandate
  National and local government should be dealt with separately; There needs to be an emphasis on limiting the influence and impact of corporations e.g their impact rhrough donations, lobbying; Should be emphasis on giving some budgetry control to local gov
  Democractic power of recall
  Create a register of the lobbyist, publicly available
  Reform of our Constitution and accompany by a charter of rights
Political Influence 57 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  national monster rally prior to budget as a visible force for influencing decisions
  Development of a broadbased grassroots movement with a clear platform - option to become a party later
  Create a citizens coalition to promote and advance the values and policy priorities that have been agreed today
  project a counter-voice to the mainstream consensus
  Demand to end bank bailout
  Support concept of cross party "war" cabinet
  Lobby politicans locally and political parties centrally
  Organise either (a) a new political movement or (b) pick people in existing political parties/movements to negotiate a new programme for government
  We need to do the simple stuff too such as email their TDs
  Claiming our Future (COF) should remaina movement and not become a political party or be hijacked by a political party
  Formal engagement with political system in different contexts re developing alternative vision and thinking
  on line petition to support the vlaues for change from today to be given to goverenmnt - go out and actively collect get people to sign
  Empower people on how to lobby
  Investigate ways to get involved in policical system or set up political party
  Get 10 peiople to visit every FF TD in country to campaign on our ideas
  become a social movement to influence all political parties- not form a political party
  Voter registration campaign
  Co-ordinate a local lobbying campaign with TDs on policy issues agreed
  Engage with political parties capable of delivering this agenda.
  1. Claiming our future mainfesto on a book mark which can be used at the door to inform politicans
  Work with structurs we have and join and support political parites that endorse our manifesto
  Mobilise the vote that is inactive.
  Try and force an election. At least threaten turning into a political movement and preferably put CoF candidates up for election.
  Political influence - either create a Manifesto / Vision and specific commitments and ask candidates to sign up to it / or influence pre-election palsn of parties
  public expressions of support for CoF e.g. picketing politicans offices
  Focus on changing the development model via (a) access to the media, (b) calling on the greens to pull out of government, (c) attracting more young people and (d) attracting more people from outside Dublin
  Remember how easy it is to make an impact with our politicians. We need to make our voices heard through lobbying
  1. To capture the interest here through publicity - and these are our messages from this event. 2. to build participatory deliberative democracy structure through local forums - follow the process here. 3. Creating an alternative political structure
  Dail reform advocate 2 elected reps per county first past post to cut cut out clientelism
  hold local events to bring others with us and influence politicains- invite politicians to meetings
  Come up with agenda for change, sign posts for local people to lobby their TD's and to influence progresive canditates in elections. Support canditates that recognise the need for participatory democracy
  declaration from this gathering that there should be an election government no longer has a mandate
  focussed campaign to produce pressure on political represntatives, produce a manifesto for positive change based on what has come out of today, initiative has the potential to develop into a people power movement, we have an expectiation that the leaders
  We should distribute a card with some specific demands that everyone should put to politicians when they come canvassing
  Visit politicians and eyeball them at clinics and through other means.
  localise pressure for our 'asks' by gathering outside constituency offices of TDs to raise awareness etc
  Engage in the political system - ie as an influencer
  produce an alternative budget (focus of this should be Nov when the estimates come out)
  4. Encourage independent candiates to come forward to take on claiming the future initiative and then support alliance building among the canidates
  we should be targeting public opinion and not political parties
  pressurise the immediate holding of by-elections
  Claiming our future to have a peoples parliament as result of this event this could be in the form of music festival or one day event
  Lobby for change and hope to deduce impact of the curren budget
  support election of candidates in next election who support COF policy proposals
  strategic , targetted lobbying of local TD clinics
  We need to make political parties respond to our agenda for an alternative society & economy
  If political parties don't take on our agenda - should consider establishing a political party
  National day of protest - before the budget (or on the day of the budget)
  Develop lobbying toolkit doorstop poastcards for when politicans call to the door adn to explain /advocate for the movement
  Outcome of political movement / party / involvement of existing politicians with this movement (with or without you)
  lobby politicians
  Use email to bombard TDs and elected representatives to make sure they know that there is a big new movement happening
  Election coming soon, we should set up a campaign to mobilise changes now involving all sectors e.g. community, trade unions, NGOs etc
  study to transform the electoral system
  Publicly campaign for the monitoring of the activity and records of elected officials and act as an independent monitor and auditor
  national watchdog
  start a petition for the creation of a citizens assembly
Political Party 13 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Investigate ways to get involved in policical system or set up political party
  Development of a broadbased grassroots movement with a clear platform - option to become a party later
  Run a candidate in each constituency on one of the policy choices we have made
  Run a candidate in each constituency on one of the policy choices we have made
  Run a candidate in each constituency on one of the policy choices we have made
  Run a candidate in each constituency on one of the policy choices we have made
  start a new policital party 'The COF Party'
  build an alternative political party to challenge the current parties
  Move towards a full political movement
  put up community candidates to reflect all sectors of Irish society and involved in deliberations
  If political parties don't take on our agenda - should consider establishing a political party
  Set up a political party along the lines that reflect what policies we have prefered here without the baggage of other political parties and that would attract others who want to work on this type of reform
  4. Encourage independent candiates to come forward to take on claiming the future initiative and then support alliance building among the canidates
Political Reform 56 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Reform/Reframe Constitution
  Examine Scottish paliament and governance model
  Creative means to have TDs as legislators and councillors to deal with local issues
  re-establishment of strong local government
  Choices above premised on real change and reform
  Right of irish people to recall under performing politicians
  TDs pay to be average industrial wage plus 30% and no expenses
  The reform of political institutions should happen in tandem with the development of participatory and deliberative froms of citizen engagement rather than as a separate point
  End political appointments to all state boards judicary etc
  a clear difference between local politics and national policy /national parliament from a list system / 6-8 regional councils / more consideration of the role of eu in irish policy making / overhaul and reform the seanad / citizens assembly - e.g. brit
  need decentralisation of power
  Government needs to respect the decision making of the people e.g referendums being held again and again!
  We need to define a robust form of political equality - this should be the foundation for all of the categories.
  Need a referendum system to hold system accountable, Need a system to monitor mandate and delivery. Differentiate between state and the people. Reform party political system. Give a voice to everyone especially young people - in the home, school, and comm
  reform of local government to have a local forum space
  Cap spending and funding by candidates on elections to allow everyone to run fairly.More education and awareness of how our systems work, and where all of our money goes. Exend 4 year timeline for reducing deficit. Demand a general election. Go out and
  defind roles fro different levels of government ie tTDs dont do parish politics
  With regard to the suggestion of reforming representative political institutions, this should include the introduction of mechanisms to ensure participatory democracy
  Political parties and politicians must first of all be credible They have to reconstruct the role of a politician as being someone who is honest trustworthy and devoted to doing what's best for their constituency and country
  Inrease local democracy
  This table agrees that as a society we must accept responsibility for all our actions in relation to the environment
  We don't need any further advocacy roles within - there should be greater direct participation. We need to build a democratic society, with new institutions built from the bottom up.
  Local authority governence is important, local issues dealt with by local decision makers also service delivery
  reform decision making at EU governannce
  Ban Corporate donations and eliminate the Senate
  Reform on the judicial system including equality must be under pinned by constitutional reform to under pin it. The judicial system must reflect the diversity of society. Equality of access must be addressed and cost must not be a barrier or create barri
  Less government - reduce town city county councils
  Create mechanisms to create robust political structures (eg code of practice for lobbying, strong committee structures, free voting amd recall of deputies, a none of the above option for political candidates when votnig, a right to call a referendum)
  constitution reform revolution
  constitution reform of all laws and childern rights
  Need to start thinking outside the box to promote political participation
  Replace Seanad with system of citizens parliament
  Representative democracy needs to work at local, grassroots and community level
  Dismantle political class fo eg. more open online debate
  Representative democracy is in crisis We need to develop people power
  Introduce a compulsory requirement to vote in elections empowered by a democratic, diverse media that serves its social function.
  Right decisions need to meade at the right level. National Governemnt should not deal with local issues
  Move away from clientalism
  Need to go beyond political institutions to deal with quality of regulatory institutions and econmic institution
  community based democracy crucial to influence democracy as a whole. Additional point- global justice should be an overall policy- may not fit under this heading
  View expressed that there should be reform before before development takes place.
  Refashion the constitution in line with new values
  Some agreement for gender based quotas in political institutions
  Irish citizens living abroad should be entitled to vote in Irish elections
  Distance of 'working class' voters from the political system
  Constituents should be able to provide mandates to their representatives and recall them if they don't meet thier mandates.
  So many organisaitons and citizens are excluded from decision making: subsidiarity necessary to devolve decision making powers
  the EU needs to b e reformed also to make it more democratic and accountable.
  Address current problems with division between national and local - includes more democracy and power at the local level and ensure TDs are elected with a national and local mandate
  Two people abstained becaquse the proposals were too vague. The proposals were not radical enough rergarding the extent of necessayr electoral and dail reform.: Free vote in the Dail on all issue - that is removal of the whip; end corporate donactions a
  a comment is that Direct democracty is a good exampleof participatiry Democracy in action - Switzerland example
  National and local government should be dealt with separately; There needs to be an emphasis on limiting the influence and impact of corporations e.g their impact rhrough donations, lobbying; Should be emphasis on giving some budgetry control to local gov
  reform of international institutions such as UN based on principles of subsidiarity
  Democractic power of recall
  Reform of our Constitution and accompany by a charter of rights
Political Reform 56 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Reform/Reframe Constitution
  Examine Scottish paliament and governance model
  Creative means to have TDs as legislators and councillors to deal with local issues
  re-establishment of strong local government
  Choices above premised on real change and reform
  Right of irish people to recall under performing politicians
  TDs pay to be average industrial wage plus 30% and no expenses
  The reform of political institutions should happen in tandem with the development of participatory and deliberative froms of citizen engagement rather than as a separate point
  End political appointments to all state boards judicary etc
  a clear difference between local politics and national policy /national parliament from a list system / 6-8 regional councils / more consideration of the role of eu in irish policy making / overhaul and reform the seanad / citizens assembly - e.g. brit
  need decentralisation of power
  Government needs to respect the decision making of the people e.g referendums being held again and again!
  We need to define a robust form of political equality - this should be the foundation for all of the categories.
  Need a referendum system to hold system accountable, Need a system to monitor mandate and delivery. Differentiate between state and the people. Reform party political system. Give a voice to everyone especially young people - in the home, school, and comm
  reform of local government to have a local forum space
  Cap spending and funding by candidates on elections to allow everyone to run fairly.More education and awareness of how our systems work, and where all of our money goes. Exend 4 year timeline for reducing deficit. Demand a general election. Go out and
  defind roles fro different levels of government ie tTDs dont do parish politics
  With regard to the suggestion of reforming representative political institutions, this should include the introduction of mechanisms to ensure participatory democracy
  Political parties and politicians must first of all be credible They have to reconstruct the role of a politician as being someone who is honest trustworthy and devoted to doing what's best for their constituency and country
  Inrease local democracy
  This table agrees that as a society we must accept responsibility for all our actions in relation to the environment
  We don't need any further advocacy roles within - there should be greater direct participation. We need to build a democratic society, with new institutions built from the bottom up.
  Local authority governence is important, local issues dealt with by local decision makers also service delivery
  reform decision making at EU governannce
  Ban Corporate donations and eliminate the Senate
  Reform on the judicial system including equality must be under pinned by constitutional reform to under pin it. The judicial system must reflect the diversity of society. Equality of access must be addressed and cost must not be a barrier or create barri
  Less government - reduce town city county councils
  Create mechanisms to create robust political structures (eg code of practice for lobbying, strong committee structures, free voting amd recall of deputies, a none of the above option for political candidates when votnig, a right to call a referendum)
  constitution reform revolution
  constitution reform of all laws and childern rights
  Need to start thinking outside the box to promote political participation
  Replace Seanad with system of citizens parliament
  Representative democracy needs to work at local, grassroots and community level
  Dismantle political class fo eg. more open online debate
  Representative democracy is in crisis We need to develop people power
  Introduce a compulsory requirement to vote in elections empowered by a democratic, diverse media that serves its social function.
  Right decisions need to meade at the right level. National Governemnt should not deal with local issues
  Move away from clientalism
  Need to go beyond political institutions to deal with quality of regulatory institutions and econmic institution
  community based democracy crucial to influence democracy as a whole. Additional point- global justice should be an overall policy- may not fit under this heading
  View expressed that there should be reform before before development takes place.
  Refashion the constitution in line with new values
  Some agreement for gender based quotas in political institutions
  Irish citizens living abroad should be entitled to vote in Irish elections
  Distance of 'working class' voters from the political system
  Constituents should be able to provide mandates to their representatives and recall them if they don't meet thier mandates.
  So many organisaitons and citizens are excluded from decision making: subsidiarity necessary to devolve decision making powers
  the EU needs to b e reformed also to make it more democratic and accountable.
  Address current problems with division between national and local - includes more democracy and power at the local level and ensure TDs are elected with a national and local mandate
  Two people abstained becaquse the proposals were too vague. The proposals were not radical enough rergarding the extent of necessayr electoral and dail reform.: Free vote in the Dail on all issue - that is removal of the whip; end corporate donactions a
  a comment is that Direct democracty is a good exampleof participatiry Democracy in action - Switzerland example
  National and local government should be dealt with separately; There needs to be an emphasis on limiting the influence and impact of corporations e.g their impact rhrough donations, lobbying; Should be emphasis on giving some budgetry control to local gov
  reform of international institutions such as UN based on principles of subsidiarity
  Democractic power of recall
  Reform of our Constitution and accompany by a charter of rights
Politically Independent 15 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Claiming our Future (COF) should remaina movement and not become a political party or be hijacked by a political party
  Organise either (a) a new political movement or (b) pick people in existing political parties/movements to negotiate a new programme for government
  Work with structurs we have and join and support political parites that endorse our manifesto
  Need to establish a concrete social movement
  become a social movement to influence all political parties- not form a political party
  civic movement with clear objectives local organisations promote arguments / facts & figures creative protets that involves local people planning
  Come up with agenda for change, sign posts for local people to lobby their TD's and to influence progresive canditates in elections. Support canditates that recognise the need for participatory democracy
  focussed campaign to produce pressure on political represntatives, produce a manifesto for positive change based on what has come out of today, initiative has the potential to develop into a people power movement, we have an expectiation that the leaders
  We have legitimacy as we are not political party with a vested interest - we have credibility in our communities, organisations etc
  support election of candidates in next election who support COF policy proposals
  If political parties don't take on our agenda - should consider establishing a political party
  g owhere energy is rather than be pushed by monolithic political systems.
  Outcome of political movement / party / involvement of existing politicians with this movement (with or without you)
  Try and force an election. At least threaten turning into a political movement and preferably put CoF candidates up for election.
  1. To capture the interest here through publicity - and these are our messages from this event. 2. to build participatory deliberative democracy structure through local forums - follow the process here. 3. Creating an alternative political structure
Poverty 2 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  We need to attend to the rising level of poverty. There is a new poor economic insecuity has broadened and is affecting ever broader sectors of the population
  More transparency in the accumulation and documentation of wealth and assests, to be used in the context of comparing with poverty indicators
Publicise/Communication 101 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Harness public anger and concer in a positive way. Todays use of the elephant in the room was very effective. If this were to be used in public spaces such as shopping centres it may be a very effective non-threatening way of capturing people's values
  Demand spaces for public debate
  Ongoing communication to people that they can cause positive change, do not rely on politions. Provide tools for this voice to engage in change.
  actively reach and engage the irish diaspora abroad
  claiming our future providing focal point for people to feed their views and ideas all part of the process ofr change
  On the website we should have some stories of people winning justice through activism to encourage us that we can succeed
  we should be targeting public opinion and not political parties
  Organise similar events to Dublin on a regional/local level -Also and information bus
  Power of 10 campaign - 10 messages from today, disseminated to ten people by each person who attended CoF today
  Develop the claim our future website as a voting forum for political issues
  communicate our message in more user friendly, easy to understand terms to a broad audience, without dumbing down
  Make sure alternative voices such as Joseph Stiglitz and Fintan OToole and the likes are heard
  Ensure every household in Ireland gets information on Claiming our future - by ppost (magazine with inputs, newsletter, one pager) outlining how to get involved
  Instill a sense of pride in our community and society
  Active communication campaign - get champions for the cause, popularise ideas, targeted those less political, clear messages
  Web forum plus database to contain contacts and skills of available participants
  Ensure Claiming our Future banner is present and supporting all marches ek,g, budget, students
  Become visable in the media and on the streets
  Events that are supportive of the Claimiing our future agenda being promoted and branded as Claiming our Future
  Have stuff like postcards and other campaign stuff ready for people to do after protest events
  Develop a internal resource network in order to share the information resources of all the organisations in COF
  Maintain national and promote local media coverage of the agenda
  30 Second 'vox-pop's on national media/ on-line with ordinary people speaking on "My Vision of Ireland Is.....
  Write Emmet Emmits epitath as a way of developing our mission statement
  Conduct public tv campaign to promote good citizenship, people working together to inspire communities to try to adopt some of the values spoken about today
  Claiming Our Future road show - out and about around the country, more on the ground so more people can get on the bus
  Maintian national and media coverage to promote agenda
  project a counter-voice to the mainstream consensus
  Empower people on how to lobby
  saghre info and skills with briefings and a website
  Develop panel of trained and mandated spokes perrsons to engage with the media and in other public opportunities
  Maintian national and media coverage to promote agenda
  Maintian national and media coverage to promote agenda
  Need celebratory event to highlight the positivity of the movement and present positive image
  Tv add campaign with empowering stories of how societies can help each other to promote equality and dignity with participation across all sectore
  Develop communications channel to change the dominant narrative.
  Need to develop clear and simple shared understanding - change is possible and promote policy choices. Sell rights to CYF as a game show and plant trees everywhere. Find creative ways to communicate the messsage - artists alternative meida. Use organisati
  Increased use of social media but also necessary to capture mainstream media who dont seem to have publicised today's event.
  Communicate the message of today to local communities and local decision makers by positive clear media follow up and other forms of media
  Multiplier effect - commitment to speak positively and enthusiastically to people about today
  participants today volunteering to take the work forward ie tell ten people to tell ten people
  Upskill people to be confident to be able to go back to their own communities to speak about what we want to get across
  a one-day event to publiscise campaign
  Focus on changing the development model via (a) access to the media, (b) calling on the greens to pull out of government, (c) attracting more young people and (d) attracting more people from outside Dublin
  Need to keep the momentum from today therefore clear targets in terms of feedback and future actions and dates need to be communicated. We are the multipliers at todays event so it is vital that people do not lose interest
  Each of us, by sharing with one or more people, about todays experience can help to expand awareness about 'Claiming Our Future'
  Hold local claimourfuture events across Ireland. Possibility of holding events at same time, with a centralized PA system to convay the MC's messages, and speaches. Could also have video screens for the live streaming from each event.
  Increase public awareness by having an event eg. a pre-budget march
  ask christy moore to wite a song and get live aid type song to inspire
  local media= local papers and radio
  2. Dissemintate information about Claiming our future through different foras to build actions on decisions we have taken
  Keep informed and communicate with local community
  A media campaign with a values-based focus such as human dignity
  Transparacy of how our ideas are being used, and where they are being shown, and who sees them, and which ones are seriously evaluated.
  engage artists and creative community to use drama art and music to communicate the what and how of our campaign
  media and communications campaign
  ensuring language is accessible to all and being creative to get people to tell their own stories to connect - less heavy policy langauge
  use the arts to reach people
  Public awareness campaigh, particularly in context of upcoming election
  Promote Claiming our Future agreed Values with like-minded organisations / individuals, e.g. 'Become a Friend' on Facebook, or link in with local organisations
  1. To capture the interest here through publicity - and these are our messages from this event. 2. to build participatory deliberative democracy structure through local forums - follow the process here. 3. Creating an alternative political structure
  Spread the word to everyone we know. Proper professional communication to spread the ideas.
  Develop a campaign of imaginative communications for values of the campaign
  Media campaign. Local mobilisation access inclusion diversity and young people
  Develop newsletter that people who are not computer literate can subscribe to
  develp alternative left wing media either newspaper, web or tv
  influence media local and national especially start at local
  Multiplication tables - explain, consult & ratify the proceedings and discussions held today, listen for things we might have missed targeting our family and community - carry the message to others who cannot be here today
  Have a proactive slick media and pr campaign to challenge the governments media spinning and use social media as part of this
  concrete policies from today into ideas and develop roadshoew to show that another alternative is posiible
  the message must be brought to a wider audience
  Utilise alternative / community media outlets and create new and encourage participation in existing media collectives
  We should distribute a card with some specific demands that everyone should put to politicians when they come canvassing
  Develop a creative, postive media campaign involving stunts (eg flashmobbing), establish an independent media campaign, and build on the social medial campaign
  Make more use of local media
  Get the issue discussed in tv and in a range of media at local and natioanl level by people affected by the issues, show the anger and the desire for change
  braoden, widen and deepen the conversation using the website and working at a regional level
  Use the website simialr to AVAAZ as a lobbying and communication tool to elicit action amongst the particiapnts and the potential wider audience out there
  Strong Media Strategy - change the media discourse.
  3. Find an appropiate strategy for the access and dissemination of information which empowers citizens to make more informed decisions (e.g. subventions in the fishing indusrty who gets what)
  Publish & communicate as widely as possible actions from today's event (to media, political parties, NGOs, groups representing young people, groups representing marginalised people, friends and family)
  use simple language and media to put out the alternatives to the current economic and political analysis.
  make badges and merchandise
  start a radio or newspaper to promote the ideas of the movement
  visible emblem to show support of COF - also a way to communicate and get others involved - form a of recuitment and dissemination
  Using creative means to get our point across e.g. tidy towns, to build solidarity
  Start an awareness raising campaign that asserts that the WE is all of us transcending the following boundaries national gender generational religious public private rural and urban
  SYMBOLS are crucial: develop a range of these eg lik the UK CUTSWATCH to bring inforamtion on the impact of local cuts adn also to provide alternative ways to address the need for 'savings'; eg Politician Watch...to provide info on the impact of decisions
  Look for diverse ways to capture the public imagination-use of different media including but not exclusively social media recognising different demographies
  Develop lobbying toolkit doorstop poastcards for when politicans call to the door adn to explain /advocate for the movement
  Communicate COF policy widely through many media outlets sep internet and produce media to visualise life with COF policies
  Speak Plain English.
  all people who attended should be added to a communication and list and shhould be communicated with regularly and asked with yhey like to formally jooin this movemenr for positive social change
  make the campaign visible in imaginative and creative ways such as viral marketing etc
  Publish & communicate as widely as possible actions from today's event targetting (media, political parties, NGOs, groups representing young people, groups representing marginalised people, friends and family)
  National Claiming Our Future day - 6 months time all together again but similar event on in every county in Ireland agreeing set of demands and alternative dialogue
  media strategy- facebook etc is the olny way of accessing certain people who are not accessing community groups etc
  use wider media to advertise, engage for example media accessed by younger people
  Campaign to abolish apathy - Posters/National bill boards/Radio -
  creative way of using the media
Recruit 35 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Promote Claiming our Future agreed Values with like-minded organisations / individuals, e.g. 'Become a Friend' on Facebook, or link in with local organisations
  Information. Importance of developng clear information to circulate at every opportunity and use internet viral opportunities
  Circulate e-mails on regional basis so we can contact interested people in our geographic area
  Power of 10 campaign - 10 messages from today, disseminated to ten people by each person who attended CoF today
  Continuing outreach - e.g. target youth. immigrant communities, non university educated etc., aware of transport
  1000 people today stimulated and motivated to go back to local communities and facilitate sessions using todays model to get broader ideas and consensus. the model prior to today was good but a lot of people missed the meetings and today is their first in
  Put people in touch with each other and hold regional meetings to build movement
  Multiplier effect - commitment to speak positively and enthusiastically to people about today
  participants today volunteering to take the work forward ie tell ten people to tell ten people
  Each of us, by sharing with one or more people, about todays experience can help to expand awareness about 'Claiming Our Future'
  each individual to commit to 10 conversations (1-1) over the next 6 months to offer an opportunity / voive to those who are not connected in / or who are not 'like-minded'. Build participation, solidarity and diversity so that people are not alone.
  Take this back to our local areas, organisations and build on this to link with creative event
  'Chatting our Future' continue discussions in our workplaces, communities, families where we have discussions - we need a discussion pack - to repeat things like todays discussion and feedback the results into the website , ie tables at local level, amy
  trained mobilisers for people to liaise with who want to become involved/ make local events
  Reach out to people who are not in civil society organisations
  Multiplication tables - explain, consult & ratify the proceedings and discussions held today, listen for things we might have missed targeting our family and community - carry the message to others who cannot be here today
  Spread the word in your area
  the message must be brought to a wider audience
  popularise the ideas from today's event through a roadshow around the country
  Involve new people not currently involved in organisations
  Create a database of all participants adn poll and engage witjh regularly
  Individuals to be targetted not just groups for COF
  bring the ideas from today's event into out own areas of activism
  Different sectors and communities represented today bring message out to their constituencies to braden base of support for movement
  Everyone that attended today signs up to Claiming Our Future on Facebook and / or on www.claimingourfuture.ie
  Encourage volunteers to help each grouping to have conversations and get alternative agenda out there
  all people who attended should be added to a communication and list and shhould be communicated with regularly and asked with yhey like to formally jooin this movemenr for positive social change
  Everybody to contact ten people to build awareness of and participation in Claiming our Future.
  we should encourage participation from non-experts as everyone has something to contribute to what needs are in their community
  make the campaign visible in imaginative and creative ways such as viral marketing etc
  on line petition to support the vlaues for change from today to be given to goverenmnt - go out and actively collect get people to sign
  use new technologies to communicate and ask people to sign up to 10 core messages from today
  Focus on changing the development model via (a) access to the media, (b) calling on the greens to pull out of government, (c) attracting more young people and (d) attracting more people from outside Dublin
  look for volunteers to develop and cost policy alternatives
Referenda/Fora 15 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  develop different decision making/voting processes and tools eg such as preferenda
  The reform of political institutions should happen in tandem with the development of participatory and deliberative froms of citizen engagement rather than as a separate point
  Government needs to respect the decision making of the people e.g referendums being held again and again!
  Need a referendum system to hold system accountable, Need a system to monitor mandate and delivery. Differentiate between state and the people. Reform party political system. Give a voice to everyone especially young people - in the home, school, and comm
  reform of local government to have a local forum space
  Explore models and conditions for participatory governance. Particularly around methodologies for implementation.
  With regard to the suggestion of reforming representative political institutions, this should include the introduction of mechanisms to ensure participatory democracy
  This table agrees that as a society we must accept responsibility for all our actions in relation to the environment
  We don't need any further advocacy roles within - there should be greater direct participation. We need to build a democratic society, with new institutions built from the bottom up.
  we need to form a forum similar to this to ensure proper participation
  Representative democracy needs to work at local, grassroots and community level
  Dismantle political class fo eg. more open online debate
  Representative democracy is in crisis We need to develop people power
  Constituents should be able to provide mandates to their representatives and recall them if they don't meet thier mandates.
  So many organisaitons and citizens are excluded from decision making: subsidiarity necessary to devolve decision making powers
Regulation 13 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Overall change in practice in practice in realtion to banking and financial systems - culture of light or no regulation needs to be changed - system needs to be changed to ensure accountable regulation.
  Legislative basis is needed for a model of development that emphasises equality
  Regulate Company Law.
  Choose legal and governance rules for public and private enterprises that reflect the public interest
  Think small, local community. Legislate for common good. Incubate small businesses.
  Regulate Company Law.
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Involve civil society in regulation as watchdogs.
  current legislation in these areas should be implemented and enforced
  Strict compliance to international conventions and EU Directives
  democratic control of onvestment
  A process of democratic control required over state resources and companies - apply the same principles to pay etc
  Financial and investment organisations to be more accountable to individuals
Remuneration Levels 6 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Thirty five hour week as standard without loss of pay
  Examine the remuneration of those providing essential services to the state and community for example doctors and barristers
  Politicians should be well paid!
  Guaranteed minumum income-not just wage
  Politicians should be well paid!
  Introduce the concept of the living wage.
Respect 9 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  mutual respect
  human rights, and , respect
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
  New visiosn statement, inclusion, respect, integrity and honesty
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  we want to include 'community', 'honour' and 'respect' as values that werent specifically named
Responsible Media 3 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  who determines the narrative for mass communications
  develop alternative forms of media and communications
  Need for responsible and free media
Rights Based 1 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Rights based approach to services and service delivery
Smart Economy 1 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  serious investment in smart economy
Social Sustainability 17 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  commitment to new form of community
  Inclusion, Culture, Creativity, Truth, Common Good, Rights not Needs.
  New visiosn statement, inclusion, respect, integrity and honesty
  Enterprise - as a term the table felt uncomfortable with it; however, as a concept of well-run, sustainable employment, supporting entrepreneurship and social enterprise it was felt to be a very important value; the concept of Meitheal was seen as a more
  cultural , social and environmental sustainabilility and community and solidarity
  Social Justice
  Community resiliance
  Justice - this was chosen but the table really wanted to clarify that it is social justice
  Enterprise as a value linked to innovation and sustainability
  Sustainable development - including economics
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  respect, integregty, Point made sustainability is a bigger value and incorporates more than just environment
  The value of enterprise encompassing notions of innovation, creativity and sustainability
  sustainability economic,democratic, enterprise , environment
  Social Justice
  Promotion of an inclusive society/elimination of poverty
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
Stimulus Package 1 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  broader stimulus package required (not limited to social/green economy)
Sustainable Development 12 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Sustainability both environmental and economic should underpin all the 5 choices as a core requirement
  Measure of progress - increase/decrease organinc matter content of soil
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Clean Water
  Trade Justic especially agriculture both nationally and globally. Natural reousrces would also be part of sustainable development
  Importance of spatial planning
  We need a higher quality public physical space. A shared public space. The existing public spaces are being lost being privatised
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Need to recognise the the social, economic deprevation and underdevelopment of rural Ireland; Banking needs/should be incorporated in policy area 1; Remove 'legally binding' in no 5; Policy area no 2 add at end of sentence 'by taking back into public owne
  In terms of green economy benefit common good over private or corporate profit e.g. no false solutions like carbon trading
  broader stimulus package required (not limited to social/green economy)
  Consider alternatives to growth and the shareholder system, e.g. sustainable food, energy, transport and alternative business models such as cooperatives
Sustainable Development 12 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Sustainability both environmental and economic should underpin all the 5 choices as a core requirement
  Measure of progress - increase/decrease organinc matter content of soil
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Clean Water
  Trade Justic especially agriculture both nationally and globally. Natural reousrces would also be part of sustainable development
  Importance of spatial planning
  We need a higher quality public physical space. A shared public space. The existing public spaces are being lost being privatised
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Need to recognise the the social, economic deprevation and underdevelopment of rural Ireland; Banking needs/should be incorporated in policy area 1; Remove 'legally binding' in no 5; Policy area no 2 add at end of sentence 'by taking back into public owne
  In terms of green economy benefit common good over private or corporate profit e.g. no false solutions like carbon trading
  broader stimulus package required (not limited to social/green economy)
  Consider alternatives to growth and the shareholder system, e.g. sustainable food, energy, transport and alternative business models such as cooperatives
Taxes 32 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Robin Hood tax
  That the overall Tax Take is well spent for the brnifit of socity
  Broaden Tax base upwards to pay for services but also to take account of outgoings to prevent people falling into the poverty trap
  Reword C to increase the overall tax base by creation of a fair equitable tax system based on the ability to pay
  introduction of an effectibve wealth tax
  All citizens should pay tax and loophles should be closed
  `broadening tax base should be upwards
  there should be clear link between taxation and services
  Chase tax exiles
  An increqase in the overall tax take to the Eu average and broadening of the tax base should only happen if there is a dramatic and significant change in the Social Welfare, Education and Health System.
  Close tax loopholes, tax reliefs Right to work
  Broaden tax base, abolish individual tax breaks
  flexibility not to be used against employees; broadening tax base not to be used to tax low paid
  reduce vat on food / reduce regressive taxation / review all tax exemptions / review social housing policies / minimum BER rating for rented accommodation / review the status of tax exiles amd wealthy irish people
  Rise corporation tax with tax breaks for job creation
  Close all tax loopholes and make equalty a priority in taxation to achieve a fairer tax system
  Increase corporation tax, introduce progressive property tax and abolition of tax breaks
  in point 3 the phrase broaden the tax base is widely understood to mean taxing the less well off. We do not support this interpretation
  increase tax on oil, reform FAS, reintroduce tax bands, respect other country tax systems.
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  Overhaul of tax system rather than just stating that tax take needs to be increased
  tobin tax 0.5 on all financial transactions
  Tax as contributions rather than burden. Taxing to support a recovery fund.
  at number 4 include incresed corporation tax and taxes on all international financial transactions through iFSC for example
  Maximum wage was seen to be a disincentive by some - though some agreed with it. The tax system was suggested as an alternative way of imposing taxation on very high earners.
  refund all taxes for bank bailouts increased when recovery accurs
  on number 4. extend to include a tax on all international financail transactions and an increase in corporation tax
  Inheritance tax has to potential to shift wealth
  Re increasing the overall tax take -dont use the term tax base but use instead tax range. There is an absence in this list of the value of self actualisation and creativity.
  Tax increases should be progressive & tax those with wealth first, before targetting the lower paid, broaden up before you broaden down, without being punitive in taxation rates
  Broadening the tax base should not involve bringing low income people in, point 5 doesnt mention taxing the rich
Taxes 32 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Robin Hood tax
  That the overall Tax Take is well spent for the brnifit of socity
  Broaden Tax base upwards to pay for services but also to take account of outgoings to prevent people falling into the poverty trap
  Reword C to increase the overall tax base by creation of a fair equitable tax system based on the ability to pay
  introduction of an effectibve wealth tax
  All citizens should pay tax and loophles should be closed
  `broadening tax base should be upwards
  there should be clear link between taxation and services
  Chase tax exiles
  An increqase in the overall tax take to the Eu average and broadening of the tax base should only happen if there is a dramatic and significant change in the Social Welfare, Education and Health System.
  Close tax loopholes, tax reliefs Right to work
  Broaden tax base, abolish individual tax breaks
  flexibility not to be used against employees; broadening tax base not to be used to tax low paid
  reduce vat on food / reduce regressive taxation / review all tax exemptions / review social housing policies / minimum BER rating for rented accommodation / review the status of tax exiles amd wealthy irish people
  Rise corporation tax with tax breaks for job creation
  Close all tax loopholes and make equalty a priority in taxation to achieve a fairer tax system
  Increase corporation tax, introduce progressive property tax and abolition of tax breaks
  in point 3 the phrase broaden the tax base is widely understood to mean taxing the less well off. We do not support this interpretation
  increase tax on oil, reform FAS, reintroduce tax bands, respect other country tax systems.
  Stop wastage and taxing higher. Introduce wealth tax. Broaden definition fo work - recogize contribution for society to enhance self esteam. Everyone encourraged to work. Everyone should pay tax and see where it goes. Stop double dipping - doal and workin
  Overhaul of tax system rather than just stating that tax take needs to be increased
  tobin tax 0.5 on all financial transactions
  Tax as contributions rather than burden. Taxing to support a recovery fund.
  at number 4 include incresed corporation tax and taxes on all international financial transactions through iFSC for example
  Maximum wage was seen to be a disincentive by some - though some agreed with it. The tax system was suggested as an alternative way of imposing taxation on very high earners.
  refund all taxes for bank bailouts increased when recovery accurs
  on number 4. extend to include a tax on all international financail transactions and an increase in corporation tax
  Inheritance tax has to potential to shift wealth
  Re increasing the overall tax take -dont use the term tax base but use instead tax range. There is an absence in this list of the value of self actualisation and creativity.
  Tax increases should be progressive & tax those with wealth first, before targetting the lower paid, broaden up before you broaden down, without being punitive in taxation rates
  Broadening the tax base should not involve bringing low income people in, point 5 doesnt mention taxing the rich
Training 17 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  trained mobilisers for people to liaise with who want to become involved/ make local events
  Upskill people to be confident to be able to go back to their own communities to speak about what we want to get across
  Empower people on how to lobby
  Develop panel of trained and mandated spokes perrsons to engage with the media and in other public opportunities
  Empower local community activists as priority
  Develop toolkit for greater civic engagement
  mobilise peope in communities through use of community education methods /activecitzenship education to beome aprt of movement ; use their vote strategically
  Claim our future should look to train facilitators to communicate ideas locally
  COF to provide a networking role to facilitate organisations large and small to meet share information etc
  Provide public education sessions - economics, democracy etc
  prioritise capacity building for civil society, particularly in relation to spokespeople from cross section of society rep different groups
  Dev and education pack for schools
  Toolkit for political action, self-reflection by civil society groups, key ideas to share
  skills clearing house
  That all schools clubs and organisations who deal with children would formulate policies to promote active participatory democracy within its structures
  Build a network areound local facilitators
  create opportunites to be involved in projects which allow participants to prcess and learn from what is going on - to lead to transformation
Transport 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Make public transport system fully availabe and affordable for the abled and disabled
  Right to Housing + good Public Transport important, but ranked low because mixed with other ideas.
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Provide universal access through taxation, free at the point of service to healthcare, education, housing and public transport
Vision 2 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  citizens involved in development of a vision
  New visiosn statement, inclusion, respect, integrity and honesty
Care 5 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  we want to qualify that care has to be integral to all our choices. We also want to qualify that equality is about equivalence and receiving the services we need
  With regard to Care, care of children was seen as of the utmost in changing our society - child-centred values; the issue of equality of voice
  Child-centred values - care of children; equality of voice
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  care, Human and enviromental biodiversity, critcal awareness of gender. knowlwdge based society, stewardship
Creativity 16 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  Responsibility AND Creativity
  Responsibility AND Creativity
  Inclusion, Culture, Creativity, Truth, Common Good, Rights not Needs.
  Safety, Understanding, Creativity, Vision, Empathy, Life Security, Support, Treedom
  to value culture, arts and creativity as part of our heritage
  integrity, culture, imagination, creativity, co-operation, enterpirse
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
  public conversation/discourse/creativity/transparency
  Enterprise as a value linked to innovation and sustainability
  The value of enterprise encompassing notions of innovation, creativity and sustainability
Democracy 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  Democracy and participation
Enterprise 18 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  sustainability economic,democratic, enterprise , environment
  Ethical enterprise
  Enterprise - as a term the table felt uncomfortable with it; however, as a concept of well-run, sustainable employment, supporting entrepreneurship and social enterprise it was felt to be a very important value; the concept of Meitheal was seen as a more
  integrity, culture, imagination, creativity, co-operation, enterpirse
  The value of enterprise encompassing notions of innovation, creativity and sustainability
  Our number 3 is Drive a strong indigenous economy by promoting innovation within small business, social entrepreneurship & c & V sector.
  Prioiritse indigenous economy development. Not happy with the FDI bit
  Stratigic investment in key industries that reflect the capibilities and strenghts of Ireland
  Choose legal and governance rules for public and private enterprises that reflect the public interest
  support microenterprise
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  Natural resources defined as including human resources. More local investment for local businesses.
  support indigeneous industry
  support local communities and currency
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Find where all the wealth is. We need to support real economic development as well as social development. Educational improvement to support entrepreneurialism and personal economic capability
Enterprise 18 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  sustainability economic,democratic, enterprise , environment
  Ethical enterprise
  Enterprise - as a term the table felt uncomfortable with it; however, as a concept of well-run, sustainable employment, supporting entrepreneurship and social enterprise it was felt to be a very important value; the concept of Meitheal was seen as a more
  integrity, culture, imagination, creativity, co-operation, enterpirse
  The value of enterprise encompassing notions of innovation, creativity and sustainability
  Our number 3 is Drive a strong indigenous economy by promoting innovation within small business, social entrepreneurship & c & V sector.
  Prioiritse indigenous economy development. Not happy with the FDI bit
  Stratigic investment in key industries that reflect the capibilities and strenghts of Ireland
  Choose legal and governance rules for public and private enterprises that reflect the public interest
  support microenterprise
  produce food locally / become an exporter of more food / new economic model should value unpaid work and care roles in society / promote local currencies /
  Natural resources defined as including human resources. More local investment for local businesses.
  support indigeneous industry
  support local communities and currency
  Find all the hidden wealth. We need to review our education system to encourage entrpreneurialism. We ned to foccus on real economic development as well as social development
  Find where all the wealth is. We need to support real economic development as well as social development. Educational improvement to support entrepreneurialism and personal economic capability
Equality 27 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Social Justice
  Child-centred values - care of children; equality of voice
  inclusion, rresponsibility
  Promotion of an inclusive society/elimination of poverty
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  Capitalism creates and maintains inequality
  Legislative basis is needed for a model of development that emphasises equality
  Choose legal and governance rules for public and private enterprises that reflect the public interest
  A process of democratic control required over state resources and companies - apply the same principles to pay etc
  Priority to develop a peoples bank based on non-profit
  Involve civil society in regulation as watchdogs.
  Tie the egalitarian idea to the policy change - equality needs to be on thsi list or we will maintain class based inequalities. Economic equality - equality in work and learning & income
  Not enought to look for a job strategy - need an equality based strategy that includes gender and class
  Reword C to increase the overall tax base by creation of a fair equitable tax system based on the ability to pay
  We need to attend to the rising level of poverty. There is a new poor economic insecuity has broadened and is affecting ever broader sectors of the population
  Close all tax loopholes and make equalty a priority in taxation to achieve a fairer tax system
  Tax increases should be progressive & tax those with wealth first, before targetting the lower paid, broaden up before you broaden down, without being punitive in taxation rates
  Develop a model of governance that demonstrates a value of CARE (affective equality)
  Equality Participative and Representaive democracy must address issues related to diversity including gender, mionority/migrants people wirh disabilites and younger people
  We need to define a robust form of political equality - this should be the foundation for all of the categories.
  need gender equality in decision making/representation
  Reform on the judicial system including equality must be under pinned by constitutional reform to under pin it. The judicial system must reflect the diversity of society. Equality of access must be addressed and cost must not be a barrier or create barri
  Inclusive citizenship with regard to migrants
  Judicial system should focus on equality and a a better class based analysis
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Ensure active promotion of nine grounds for equality across all areas
  the education system needs positive discrimination not simply equal access. the emphasis needs to be on early years and primary as this is essential for people to have access opportunities and good outcomes at the third level educational system
Equality 27 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Social Justice
  Child-centred values - care of children; equality of voice
  inclusion, rresponsibility
  Promotion of an inclusive society/elimination of poverty
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  Capitalism creates and maintains inequality
  Legislative basis is needed for a model of development that emphasises equality
  Choose legal and governance rules for public and private enterprises that reflect the public interest
  A process of democratic control required over state resources and companies - apply the same principles to pay etc
  Priority to develop a peoples bank based on non-profit
  Involve civil society in regulation as watchdogs.
  Tie the egalitarian idea to the policy change - equality needs to be on thsi list or we will maintain class based inequalities. Economic equality - equality in work and learning & income
  Not enought to look for a job strategy - need an equality based strategy that includes gender and class
  Reword C to increase the overall tax base by creation of a fair equitable tax system based on the ability to pay
  We need to attend to the rising level of poverty. There is a new poor economic insecuity has broadened and is affecting ever broader sectors of the population
  Close all tax loopholes and make equalty a priority in taxation to achieve a fairer tax system
  Tax increases should be progressive & tax those with wealth first, before targetting the lower paid, broaden up before you broaden down, without being punitive in taxation rates
  Develop a model of governance that demonstrates a value of CARE (affective equality)
  Equality Participative and Representaive democracy must address issues related to diversity including gender, mionority/migrants people wirh disabilites and younger people
  We need to define a robust form of political equality - this should be the foundation for all of the categories.
  need gender equality in decision making/representation
  Reform on the judicial system including equality must be under pinned by constitutional reform to under pin it. The judicial system must reflect the diversity of society. Equality of access must be addressed and cost must not be a barrier or create barri
  Inclusive citizenship with regard to migrants
  Judicial system should focus on equality and a a better class based analysis
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Ensure active promotion of nine grounds for equality across all areas
  the education system needs positive discrimination not simply equal access. the emphasis needs to be on early years and primary as this is essential for people to have access opportunities and good outcomes at the third level educational system
Equality 27 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Social Justice
  Child-centred values - care of children; equality of voice
  inclusion, rresponsibility
  Promotion of an inclusive society/elimination of poverty
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  Capitalism creates and maintains inequality
  Legislative basis is needed for a model of development that emphasises equality
  Choose legal and governance rules for public and private enterprises that reflect the public interest
  A process of democratic control required over state resources and companies - apply the same principles to pay etc
  Priority to develop a peoples bank based on non-profit
  Involve civil society in regulation as watchdogs.
  Tie the egalitarian idea to the policy change - equality needs to be on thsi list or we will maintain class based inequalities. Economic equality - equality in work and learning & income
  Not enought to look for a job strategy - need an equality based strategy that includes gender and class
  Reword C to increase the overall tax base by creation of a fair equitable tax system based on the ability to pay
  We need to attend to the rising level of poverty. There is a new poor economic insecuity has broadened and is affecting ever broader sectors of the population
  Close all tax loopholes and make equalty a priority in taxation to achieve a fairer tax system
  Tax increases should be progressive & tax those with wealth first, before targetting the lower paid, broaden up before you broaden down, without being punitive in taxation rates
  Develop a model of governance that demonstrates a value of CARE (affective equality)
  Equality Participative and Representaive democracy must address issues related to diversity including gender, mionority/migrants people wirh disabilites and younger people
  We need to define a robust form of political equality - this should be the foundation for all of the categories.
  need gender equality in decision making/representation
  Reform on the judicial system including equality must be under pinned by constitutional reform to under pin it. The judicial system must reflect the diversity of society. Equality of access must be addressed and cost must not be a barrier or create barri
  Inclusive citizenship with regard to migrants
  Judicial system should focus on equality and a a better class based analysis
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Ensure active promotion of nine grounds for equality across all areas
  the education system needs positive discrimination not simply equal access. the emphasis needs to be on early years and primary as this is essential for people to have access opportunities and good outcomes at the third level educational system
Equality 27 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Social Justice
  Child-centred values - care of children; equality of voice
  inclusion, rresponsibility
  Promotion of an inclusive society/elimination of poverty
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  Capitalism creates and maintains inequality
  Legislative basis is needed for a model of development that emphasises equality
  Choose legal and governance rules for public and private enterprises that reflect the public interest
  A process of democratic control required over state resources and companies - apply the same principles to pay etc
  Priority to develop a peoples bank based on non-profit
  Involve civil society in regulation as watchdogs.
  Tie the egalitarian idea to the policy change - equality needs to be on thsi list or we will maintain class based inequalities. Economic equality - equality in work and learning & income
  Not enought to look for a job strategy - need an equality based strategy that includes gender and class
  Reword C to increase the overall tax base by creation of a fair equitable tax system based on the ability to pay
  We need to attend to the rising level of poverty. There is a new poor economic insecuity has broadened and is affecting ever broader sectors of the population
  Close all tax loopholes and make equalty a priority in taxation to achieve a fairer tax system
  Tax increases should be progressive & tax those with wealth first, before targetting the lower paid, broaden up before you broaden down, without being punitive in taxation rates
  Develop a model of governance that demonstrates a value of CARE (affective equality)
  Equality Participative and Representaive democracy must address issues related to diversity including gender, mionority/migrants people wirh disabilites and younger people
  We need to define a robust form of political equality - this should be the foundation for all of the categories.
  need gender equality in decision making/representation
  Reform on the judicial system including equality must be under pinned by constitutional reform to under pin it. The judicial system must reflect the diversity of society. Equality of access must be addressed and cost must not be a barrier or create barri
  Inclusive citizenship with regard to migrants
  Judicial system should focus on equality and a a better class based analysis
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Ensure active promotion of nine grounds for equality across all areas
  the education system needs positive discrimination not simply equal access. the emphasis needs to be on early years and primary as this is essential for people to have access opportunities and good outcomes at the third level educational system
Equality 27 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Social Justice
  Child-centred values - care of children; equality of voice
  inclusion, rresponsibility
  Promotion of an inclusive society/elimination of poverty
  Hope Flexibility Diversity (perhaps in Equality) Community (perhaps in Participation) Advocacy Supporting People's Autonomy/Giving People Higher Expectations and Self-Belief
  Capitalism creates and maintains inequality
  Legislative basis is needed for a model of development that emphasises equality
  Choose legal and governance rules for public and private enterprises that reflect the public interest
  A process of democratic control required over state resources and companies - apply the same principles to pay etc
  Priority to develop a peoples bank based on non-profit
  Involve civil society in regulation as watchdogs.
  Tie the egalitarian idea to the policy change - equality needs to be on thsi list or we will maintain class based inequalities. Economic equality - equality in work and learning & income
  Not enought to look for a job strategy - need an equality based strategy that includes gender and class
  Reword C to increase the overall tax base by creation of a fair equitable tax system based on the ability to pay
  We need to attend to the rising level of poverty. There is a new poor economic insecuity has broadened and is affecting ever broader sectors of the population
  Close all tax loopholes and make equalty a priority in taxation to achieve a fairer tax system
  Tax increases should be progressive & tax those with wealth first, before targetting the lower paid, broaden up before you broaden down, without being punitive in taxation rates
  Develop a model of governance that demonstrates a value of CARE (affective equality)
  Equality Participative and Representaive democracy must address issues related to diversity including gender, mionority/migrants people wirh disabilites and younger people
  We need to define a robust form of political equality - this should be the foundation for all of the categories.
  need gender equality in decision making/representation
  Reform on the judicial system including equality must be under pinned by constitutional reform to under pin it. The judicial system must reflect the diversity of society. Equality of access must be addressed and cost must not be a barrier or create barri
  Inclusive citizenship with regard to migrants
  Judicial system should focus on equality and a a better class based analysis
  Reword as follows Provide universal access to quality healthcare childcare CARE for older people AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR ALL PEOPLE
  Ensure active promotion of nine grounds for equality across all areas
  the education system needs positive discrimination not simply equal access. the emphasis needs to be on early years and primary as this is essential for people to have access opportunities and good outcomes at the third level educational system
Honesty 15 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  New visiosn statement, inclusion, respect, integrity and honesty
  resilience, democracy, acceptance, honesty, community,
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
  honesty, self awareness, balance, diversity, connection
  Honesty and Integrity. Also, accountability must be based on transparency and openness
Human Dignity 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Social Justice
  Promotion of an inclusive society/elimination of poverty
  human rights
  human rights, and , respect
Justice 7 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Justice - this was chosen but the table really wanted to clarify that it is social justice
  human rights
  Social Justice
  Social Justice
  human rights, and , respect
Responsibility 13 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  inclusion, rresponsibility
  Responsibility AND Creativity
  Responsibility AND Creativity
  Service, Leadership, Charter of Responsibility
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
  Personal responsibility
Self Reliance 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Community resiliance
  self confidence
  Self reliance . Economic sustainability.
  There was also a strong support for Self Reliance
Solidarity 0
Trust 2 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
  Trust - this was linked with accountability and felt to be important but the table felt that it was something you earn and something that needs to be encouraged - very much linked with accountability
Accountability 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Trust - this was linked with accountability and felt to be important but the table felt that it was something you earn and something that needs to be encouraged - very much linked with accountability
  accountability is about meeting your 'job description' - so it relates to everyone at all levels in society
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Financial and investment organisations to be more accountable to individuals
Accountability 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Trust - this was linked with accountability and felt to be important but the table felt that it was something you earn and something that needs to be encouraged - very much linked with accountability
  accountability is about meeting your 'job description' - so it relates to everyone at all levels in society
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Financial and investment organisations to be more accountable to individuals
Accountability 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Trust - this was linked with accountability and felt to be important but the table felt that it was something you earn and something that needs to be encouraged - very much linked with accountability
  accountability is about meeting your 'job description' - so it relates to everyone at all levels in society
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Financial and investment organisations to be more accountable to individuals
Accountability 4 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Trust - this was linked with accountability and felt to be important but the table felt that it was something you earn and something that needs to be encouraged - very much linked with accountability
  accountability is about meeting your 'job description' - so it relates to everyone at all levels in society
  ensure that economic development is democratic, accountable and transparent
  Financial and investment organisations to be more accountable to individuals
Environment Sustain 11 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  enviromental sustainability
  think globally, holistically
  Sustainable development - including economics
  Truth, Retribution, Vision Economic, social and Environmental Sustainability, Recognition of goodness of society and person
  sustainability economic,democratic, enterprise , environment
  cultural , social and environmental sustainabilility and community and solidarity
  Enterprise as a value linked to innovation and sustainability
  The value of enterprise encompassing notions of innovation, creativity and sustainability
  care, Human and enviromental biodiversity, critcal awareness of gender. knowlwdge based society, stewardship
  trust, honesty, integrity, creativity, global responsibility, respect, sustainability (note we suggest use term sustainability rather than enviroonmental sustainability)
  awareness (ecological considered so fundamental but not reflected as a value)
Ethical 12 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Ethical enterprise
  fair trade versus free trade
  Ehical basis essenialfor all
  Find where all the wealth is. We need to support real economic development as well as social development. Educational improvement to support entrepreneurialism and personal economic capability
  civcs and ethics in school are not stand alone- no training for teachers to teach this- shows the lack of commitment to thiese subjects
  Reform education system to promote active citizenship among children and review education programms like CSPE e.g. introduce sociology instead
  leaving cert points should be attached to subjects such as civics in schools to show the value of these subjects
  Improve CSPE provision in schools
  Eduction - civics/ethics - is crucial
Ethical 12 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Ethical enterprise
  fair trade versus free trade
  Ehical basis essenialfor all
  Find where all the wealth is. We need to support real economic development as well as social development. Educational improvement to support entrepreneurialism and personal economic capability
  civcs and ethics in school are not stand alone- no training for teachers to teach this- shows the lack of commitment to thiese subjects
  Reform education system to promote active citizenship among children and review education programms like CSPE e.g. introduce sociology instead
  leaving cert points should be attached to subjects such as civics in schools to show the value of these subjects
  Improve CSPE provision in schools
  Eduction - civics/ethics - is crucial
Ethical 12 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  Ethical enterprise
  fair trade versus free trade
  Ehical basis essenialfor all
  Find where all the wealth is. We need to support real economic development as well as social development. Educational improvement to support entrepreneurialism and personal economic capability
  civcs and ethics in school are not stand alone- no training for teachers to teach this- shows the lack of commitment to thiese subjects
  Reform education system to promote active citizenship among children and review education programms like CSPE e.g. introduce sociology instead
  leaving cert points should be attached to subjects such as civics in schools to show the value of these subjects
  Improve CSPE provision in schools
  Eduction - civics/ethics - is crucial
Finance/Bank 16 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  state bank that supports community
  No bank bailout
  Credit unions being promoted more
  Establish state bank
  State finance - how
  energy security, stop bank bailout
  support local communities and currency
  Priority to develop a peoples bank based on non-profit
  Financial and investment organisations to be more accountable to individuals
  Irish people not to be responsible for bank debts
  End Bank Bailout Now !
  Need to recognise the the social, economic deprevation and underdevelopment of rural Ireland; Banking needs/should be incorporated in policy area 1; Remove 'legally binding' in no 5; Policy area no 2 add at end of sentence 'by taking back into public owne
  Find where all the wealth is. We need to support real economic development as well as social development. Educational improvement to support entrepreneurialism and personal economic capability
  Consoladate all our banks assets into a state owned good bank for social and local indigenous investment
  democratic control of onvestment
  let Anglo Irish Bank collapse
Finance/Bank 16 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  state bank that supports community
  No bank bailout
  Credit unions being promoted more
  Establish state bank
  State finance - how
  energy security, stop bank bailout
  support local communities and currency
  Priority to develop a peoples bank based on non-profit
  Financial and investment organisations to be more accountable to individuals
  Irish people not to be responsible for bank debts
  End Bank Bailout Now !
  Need to recognise the the social, economic deprevation and underdevelopment of rural Ireland; Banking needs/should be incorporated in policy area 1; Remove 'legally binding' in no 5; Policy area no 2 add at end of sentence 'by taking back into public owne
  Find where all the wealth is. We need to support real economic development as well as social development. Educational improvement to support entrepreneurialism and personal economic capability
  Consoladate all our banks assets into a state owned good bank for social and local indigenous investment
  democratic control of onvestment
  let Anglo Irish Bank collapse
Participation 34 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  inclusion, rresponsibility
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  Participation -
  develop different decision making/voting processes and tools eg such as preferenda
  Active participation
  Democracy and participation
  The reform of political institutions should happen in tandem with the development of participatory and deliberative froms of citizen engagement rather than as a separate point
  Equality Participative and Representaive democracy must address issues related to diversity including gender, mionority/migrants people wirh disabilites and younger people
  Participation must be menaingful and address influence as well as access
  Need a referendum system to hold system accountable, Need a system to monitor mandate and delivery. Differentiate between state and the people. Reform party political system. Give a voice to everyone especially young people - in the home, school, and comm
  reform of local government to have a local forum space
  Explore models and conditions for participatory governance. Particularly around methodologies for implementation.
  large overlap betweem participatory/deliberative one and participation in institutions so we have put latter at 5 but feel is should be integrated
  With regard to the suggestion of reforming representative political institutions, this should include the introduction of mechanisms to ensure participatory democracy
  This table agrees that as a society we must accept responsibility for all our actions in relation to the environment
  We don't need any further advocacy roles within - there should be greater direct participation. We need to build a democratic society, with new institutions built from the bottom up.
  Local authority governence is important, local issues dealt with by local decision makers also service delivery
  we need to form a forum similar to this to ensure proper participation
  Those leading the participatory process need to understand and believe in the process
  participation must be meaningful, resourced and build capacity
  Need to start thinking outside the box to promote political participation
  Replace Seanad with system of citizens parliament
  Again, the language is open to interpretation and some of the choices are not specific enough. Re supporting a wider and more diverse participation - need to expand this to both widening and deeping participation. Word 'community' is missing. Governance s
  Representative democracy needs to work at local, grassroots and community level
  Dismantle political class fo eg. more open online debate
  Representative democracy is in crisis We need to develop people power
  community based democracy crucial to influence democracy as a whole. Additional point- global justice should be an overall policy- may not fit under this heading
  No mechanism exists for participative democracy
  Distance of 'working class' voters from the political system
  Constituents should be able to provide mandates to their representatives and recall them if they don't meet thier mandates.
  So many organisaitons and citizens are excluded from decision making: subsidiarity necessary to devolve decision making powers
  a comment is that Direct democracty is a good exampleof participatiry Democracy in action - Switzerland example
  Democractic power of recall
Participation 34 Details Show Hide Submit Your Choice
  inclusion, rresponsibility
  leadership with integrity; critique and critical leadership; inclusion with participation
  Participation -
  develop different decision making/voting processes and tools eg such as preferenda
  Active participation
  Democracy and participation
  The reform of political institutions should happen in tandem with the development of participatory and deliberative froms of citizen engagement rather than as a separate point
  Equality Participative and Representaive democracy must address issues related to diversity including gender, mionority/migrants people wirh disabilites and younger people
  Participation must be menaingful and address influence as well as access
  Need a referendum system to hold system accountable, Need a system to monitor mandate and delivery. Differentiate between state and the people. Reform party political system. Give a voice to everyone especially young people - in the home, school, and comm
  reform of local government to have a local forum space
  Explore models and conditions for participatory governance. Particularly around methodologies for implementation.
  large overlap betweem participatory/deliberative one and participation in institutions so we have put latter at 5 but feel is should be integrated
  With regard to the suggestion of reforming representative political institutions, this should include the introduction of mechanisms to ensure participatory democracy
  This table agrees that as a society we must accept responsibility for all our actions in relation to the environment
  We don't need any further advocacy roles within - there should be greater direct participation. We need to build a democratic society, with new institutions built from the bottom up.
  Local authority governence is important, local issues dealt with by local decision makers also service delivery
  we need to form a forum similar to this to ensure proper participation
  Those leading the participatory process need to understand and believe in the process
  participation must be meaningful, resourced and build capacity
  Need to start thinking outside the box to promote political participation
  Replace Seanad with system of citizens parliament
  Again, the language is open to interpretation and some of the choices are not specific enough. Re supporting a wider and more diverse participation - need to expand this to both widening and deeping participation. Word 'community' is missing. Governance s
  Representative democracy needs to work at local, grassroots and community level
  Dismantle political class fo eg. more open online debate
  Representative democracy is in crisis We need to develop people power
  community based democracy crucial to influence democracy as a whole. Additional point- global justice should be an overall policy- may not fit under this heading
  No mechanism exists for participative democracy
  Distance of 'working class' voters from the political system
  Constituents should be able to provide mandates to their representatives and recall them if they don't meet thier mandates.
  So many organisaitons and citizens are excluded from decision making: subsidiarity necessary to devolve decision making powers
  a comment is that Direct democracty is a good exampleof participatiry Democracy in action - Switzerland example
  Democractic power of recall
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