You can contribute, vote and add ideas to any of the six forums. You can either vote for one of the existing ideas or supply an idea of your own. In this way the most popular ideas will bubble to the top.

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The ideas from these forums will inform the start of the debate on October 30th. Where they will be discussed in consensus deliberation. Register here for the event

This is a forum for you to dicuss ideas on line - these ideas are your ideas - they are ideas that we may not agree with - but we are providing you with a framework for that discussion. The outcome of the Claiming our Future Event will be the results of the deliberations on the day

1) General Forum


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1) General forum

Open ideas
  1. 23 votes
Recent Comments
  1. I question the idea of helping out for free. While I think there is a place in everybody's life for volunteer work, why should we not get some kind of compensation in kind for work we do. It does not have to be in Euro, it can be in trade. On a simple level it would go like this: A builder is not getting enough work to afford child care. A person who has the time to look after a child need work done on their house. These people could be brought together and negotiate some sort of exchange.

    In a more sophisticated scenario, a website is put together advertising both services provided and services needed. There would be a medium of exchange for services. Perhaps time units maintained and recorded, and usable as exchange for services and/or goods. The Swiss WIR system is perhaps the most successful example of this, but there are many.

    Our efforts and talents and intelligence are valuable. Let's not give it away for free when trading goods and exchanging services in this alternative way can bring energy and movement to a stagnant economy.

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